Ronald Schurin, Ph.D. University of Connecticut

Ronald Schurin, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus

  • Oak Hall 443
  • Political Science

Expert in the politics of presidential campaigns

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Ronald C. Schurin received his Ph.D. from the City University of New York in 1997 and received a Master of Public Affairs degree from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University in 1977. He has held policy and administrative positions at the New Jersey Department of Education, the former U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and The City University of New York. From 1997 to 2008 he served as Executive Assistant to the President of the University of Connecticut and concurrently was Executive Secretary of the University Board of Trustees. His research interests include American political parties, electoral realignment, the Presidency, and Congress.

Areas of Expertise

American Politics and Elections
Connecticut Politics
Electoral Politics
American Politics
Education Policy


The Graduate Center, City University of New York


Political Science


Princeton University


Public Affairs


University of Minnesota-Twin Cities





  • Member: Mansfield, CT Town Council


Presidential Elector




Media Appearances

How education has changed as an election issue in CT and across the U.S.

Hearst Connecticut Media  


Even when it generally ranks low in importance in presidential election issues, said Ronald Schurin, professor emeritus in political science at the University of Connecticut, he thinks that in some ways, education has become an extremely significant political issue because of everything else it is intertwined with. “It has become a stand in for cultural issues,” Schurin said.

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Long road to November vote: Short primary may not benefit voters

UPI  online


But meanwhile, the rematch between Biden and Trump sets the stage for a return to, or a continuance of, negative campaigning. The effect of a drawn-out back-and-forth of attack ads and jabs on the campaign trail can drive some voters away, Ronald Schurin, political science professor at the University of Connecticut, told UPI. "The average voter now has this antipathy toward politics and will view the next several months of intense negative campaigning by both sides as something that will be a turnoff," Schurin said. "They will take everything with a large grain of salt, saying 'it's all presidential politics.'"

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Connecticut Democrat Chris Murphy Is On a Quest to ‘Build Bridges’ Across America’s Partisan Divides

Hearst Connecticut Media  print


Murphy, who was subject of some speculation about a presidential run four years ago, conceded that his aim in reaching out to people disaffected with traditional politics is not entirely altruistic — he wants to help Democrats attract more voters in races up and down the ballot. Such a strategy could pay dividends if Democrats are able take control of Congress in 2024 while electing President Joe Biden to a second term. Murphy is also facing reelection next year, though his seat is generally considered safe. “Recognizing things that are not conventionally thought of as governmental problems may be an interesting way of reaching people who aren’t reached by the normal political dialogues,” said Ron Schurin, a retired professor of political science at the University of Connecticut.

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Former CT Sen. Joe Lieberman pledges not to back spoiler in 2024 presidential election

Hearst Connecticut Media  online


“I’m trying to visualize the No Labels campaign pulling votes from Donald Trump, and I just can’t see that,” said Ronald Schurin, a retired professor of political science at the University of Connecticut. “The Trump base is solid and strong for Donald Trump.” While no third party candidate has ever successfully won the presidency, Schurin said that the few historical examples of candidates who earned significant support — or even electoral votes — have typically relied on a mixture of celebrity and deep pockets.

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Iowa, New Hampshire... Connecticut? Democrats plan to submit bid to join pack of early primaries in 2024

Hearst Connecticut Media  print


According to a report in Politico, Democratic party officials are hoping to come up with a list of states that are geographically balanced as well as diverse. That will make it more difficult for Connecticut to compete against larger and ethnically-diverse states of New York and New Jersey, especially if New Hampshire is not relegated to a later slot, said Ronald Schurin, a professor of political science at the University of Connecticut, Storrs. “I think it’s kind of a longshot,” Schurin said. “If it’s just us in the Northeast and New England, that might give us a bit of a leg up.”

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State Republicans see opportunity for big wins in 2022

Hearst Connecticut Media  print


“New Jersey is definitely a warning to Ned Lamont,” Ronald Schurin, a professor of political science at the University of Connecticut, said Wednesday in an interview. With President Joe Biden’s sweeping, $3 trillion infrastructure and social spending proposals stalled in Washington, Schurin said, “Democrats are in kind of a funk. ...Maybe Democratic turnout and enthusiasm was down.”

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No funny hats and confetti. No cheering crowds. This is a convention year like no other

CT Mirror  online


Ronald Schurin, a University of Connecticut political science professor, said the convention’s success hinges on the quality of the DNC’s technology. He said some of Biden’s early virtual campaign events were glitch-filled and “less than sterling.” “The hope is that the Democrats who have access to some of the most technologically talented people in the country, if not the world, will use this talent to put on a show that’s technologically stellar and grabs the attention of people in the country,” Schurin said.

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Experts See ‘Deep Trouble’ for Trump Overcoming Plummet in the Polls

Courthouse News Service  online


Ronald Schurin, a political science professor at the University of Connecticut, cautioned meanwhile about putting too much stock in polling four months out from the election. “Anyone who says Trump is done is living in a fool’s paradise,” Schurin remarked in an interview.

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Experts Sound Off on Sanders Keeping One Toe in 2020 Race

Courthouse News Service  online


Ron Schurin, a political science professor at the University of Connecticut, likened what Sanders has asked to what, say, Hillary Clinton did in 2008, or George H.W. Bush did before her in 1980, which is to stay in the race after it became clear they couldn’t win. These candidates were not trying to raise their own profile or seek leverage over the convention. Bush went on to become the winner’s vice-presidential nominee, and Clinton was the winner’s secretary of state.

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CT delegation has wait-and-see attitude toward presidential endorsement

Hartford Business Journal  online


“[Connecticut lawmakers] have nothing to gain,” said University of Connecticut political science professor Ron Schurin. If they pick one candidate to endorse, he said, constituents who support someone else will be unhappy. “It would alienate people in their districts, and why would they want to do that?” Schurin asked.

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Democrats Are No Longer Gun Shy

U.S. News & World Report  online


"What we have now is that the memory of 1994 may be fading for Democrats," says Ronald Schurin, a political science professor at the University of Connecticut, referring to massive Democratic losses in the House of Representatives, following an aggressive NRA campaign against lawmakers who voted for the Brady Bill gun control legislation.

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Your Money, Your State: Waste or pork, either way you pay

Hearst Connecticut  print


Ronald Schurin, a professor of political science at UConn, said legislative rhetoric on the need to cut costs often stops when state funding extends to their own towns and cities. “Frivolous spending and worthy investments in special projects are often in the eye of the beholder,” he said, stressing that the mantra of opposing “waste, fraud and abuse” are often situational. “No one with good intentions sets out to waste government funds, unless there is corruption involved,” Schurin said. “This is an effort to run a multi-billion-dollar enterprise, so sometimes it looks like waste in retrospect. You make a set of decisions and some don’t play out.”

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In Connecticut, What’s Worst: Trump, Gov. Malloy or the Economy?

New York Times  print


In races for governor across the nation, the specter of President Trump looms as a beacon of divisiveness, and Connecticut is no exception. “There is not a whole lot of connection between how we vote or feel at the presidential level and how we vote at the gubernatorial level,” said Ronald Schurin, an associate professor of political science at the University of Connecticut. “This is the national Republicans’ greatest hope of picking up a gubernatorial seat in 2018.”

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How Gorsuch’s nomination could be felt by N.E. politicians

The Boston Globe  


University of Connecticut political science professor Ron Schurin notes that while the state’s liberal base wants Democrats to reject all Trump nominees, Murphy hasn’t done that. He voted for Trump Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, Defense Secretary John Mattis, and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley. Murphy rose to prominence after his very public display of support for the families affected by the Newtown shootings. “[Murphy] is picking and choosing carefully, but I expect that if the right moment comes on Gorsuch, particularly in the area of gun control, Murphy will lead a fight,” said Schurin.

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In Connecticut, Some Red Suburbs Turned Blue. Is This A Sign For 2018?

National Public Radio  radio


UConn political scientist Ron Schurin says the results of Tuesday’s municipal elections in Connecticut fit a national pattern. Schurin says reliably Republican suburbs were won by Democrats because many people, disheartened by Republican President Donald Trump, are getting involved in local politics.

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GOP blasts Dems for ‘politicizing’ Las Vegas as CT lawmakers continue gun control push

CT Mirror  print


University of Connecticut political science professor Ron Schurin called GOP criticisms of Democrats who are pressing for gun control “outrageous.” “There is no more appropriate time to talk about an issue like this than in the wake of a national tragedy in which guns have been involved,” he said. But, Schurin said, “A case could be made” that politicians should not fundraise over a tragedy.

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GOP congressional candidates willing to swim against political tide

CT Mirror  print


Yet University of Connecticut political science professor Ron Schurin said “there’s always the possibility that at the gubernatorial level the Republicans will do very well and that could counteract the ‘Trump effect’” on down-ballot races.

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A vice-presidental pick, even in defeat, can go on to make a difference

Hartford Courant


Former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, has close to a dozen women under consideration for his former job. Some are senators, some governors, some mayors, some something else. But for any and all, getting the nod will be more than an opportunity to help defeat Donald Trump, cherished though that chance will be. Even if the Biden-Whoever campaign loses, history suggests that the vice-presidential nomination could lead to greater things ahead. Whatever happens in November, a second-place spot on the ticket is a prize well worth having.

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