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Weekly Headlines

Human hand taking mineral water from shelf in supermarket. (Getty Images)

Misleading Marketing Fuels Bottled Water Consumption

A UConn study shows people form their ideas largely based on marketing messages that tout the health benefits of drinking bottled water over tap water. Read more.

Woman and man brainstorming start-up ideas. (Getty Images)

New Engineering Program Aims to Attract the Most Talented Entrepreneurs to Connecticut

UConn is launching a Master’s of Engineering in Global Entrepreneurship, the first entrepreneurial graduate degree in the state that is focused on engineering. Read more.

UConn's cows can now choose when to be milked and are generally more contented as a result. (Elizabeth Caron/UConn Video)

UConn Relies on Robots at Milking Time

New technology milks UConn's cows on demand around the clock, generating research data and another outcome. They are generally quiet and spend a lot of the time lying down relaxing. Read more.

A student stands outside the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

UConn Inks Agreement with Wadsworth Atheneum

Under the agreement, the Wadsworth Atheneum will provide work space for UConn Hartford students, a seminar room, and faculty offices for use by the three-year graduate program in Arts Administration. Read more.

UConn wordmark.

UConn Trustees Adopt FY 2019 Budgets

The budgets include millions of dollars in spending cuts across campuses, while seeking to uphold the University’s overriding goal to protect and build UConn’s academic strength. Read more.

Schools and Colleges

CLAS Highlighting Connecticut’s Maritime Geography, History, and Future

CLAS UConn Chemist Wins Patent for Tunable Metal Oxide Synthesis Method

PHR UConn and Peking University Celebrate 10 Years of Study in Traditional Chinese Medicine

ENG DoD Grant to Better Understand Aeronautical Combustion

SFA UConn Alum’s Spiffy Exhibit to Open at Ballard

UConn in the News


ACLU family separation case highlights alternate path for Trump challengers

NBC News

Mosquitoes in New Canaan Test Positive for West Nile Virus


Creativity Is For Everyone

Bloomberg BNA

Copy South Dakota’s Online Sales Tax, Avoid Lawsuits

National Public Radio

Throughout New England, More Elderly Appear To Be Dying From Falls

University Communications

University of Connecticut

34 North Eagleville Road, Unit 3144

Storrs, Connecticut 06269

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