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Weekly Headlines

UConn’s Class of 2023 includes more than 5,400 incoming freshmen, about 77% of whom live in Connecticut, including (L to R): Heri Mulungula of New Haven, Julia Lawler of Ridgefield, Sarah Ibrahim of Coventry, and Areez Rahim of Avon. (Stephanie Reitz/UConn Photo)

UConn’s Freshmen Bring Talent, Ambition, and Unprecedented Diversity

First-year students bring with them a wealth of talent and aspirations. Here is all you need to know about the Class of 2023. Read more.

Four people with bags and boxes standing in the lobby of a dorm, with a handpainted sign behind them reading "Welcome to Shippee"

Move-in Weekend 2019: What You Need to Know

As thousands of UConn students prepare to head to campuses throughout the state, here are some logistic points to keep in mind during the busy weekend. Read more.

Lindsay Crevoiserat.

New Coach Named to Cross Country, Track and Field Teams

A three-time All-American runner from Glastonbury, Lindsay Crevoiserat is returning to the university that launched her college career. Read more.

University of Connecticut professor of physics Carlos Trallero is a pioneer in a field of research that uses high-power lasers to investigate atomic and molecular physical phenomena. (Carson Stifel ('21 CLAS)/UConn Photo)

Meet the Researcher: Carlos Trallero, Physics

Carlos Trallero views physics as the 'broadest' science since it has unique applications to math, engineering, chemistry and, even, biology. Read more.

Left to right, Jeff Hoch, director NMRbox Project, Dr. Ion Moraru, Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling and Mark Maciejewski, Department of Molecular Biology and Biophysics. (Ethan Giorgetti/UConn Photo)(Ethan Giorgetti/UConn Photo)

UConn Health Has Become a Hub for Biological Computing

UConn Health is a one-stop shop for researchers around the world who want to analyze and process nuclear magnetic resonance data. Read more.

Schools and Colleges

BUS Accounting Major Nets $10,000 Scholarship

CLAS ‘Love The Possibilities’: New CLAS Dean Will Connect Disciplines

CLAS Outstanding Scholars Join the CLAS Faculty

ENG Shor and Alpay Appointed Associate Deans For School of Engineering

MED Back-to-School: Pro Tips for Parents from the Family Medicine Experts of UConn Health

SSW Meet New Faculty Member Jon Phillips

UConn in the News

CT Post

UConn Student, 19, Living the Dream Running Own Successful Video Business

Becker's Hospital Review

Living Like a Leader: A Day with UConn Health CEO Dr. Andrew Agwunobi

Washington Post

As the Planet Grows Ever Warmer, Conditions Create Risks and Challenges for Athletes

Hartford Business Journal

Connecticut Offers Limited Protections If ACA Is Tossed

Indigenous Scholars Confront the Power, Limitations of Genomics

University Communications

University of Connecticut

34 North Eagleville Road, Unit 3144

Storrs, Connecticut 06269

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