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Daily HeadlinesOctober 3, 2018

President Albert Jorgensen, left, and university librarian Paul Alcorn provided hands-on help with moving books into the new library in 1940. The building was named for former Connecticut governor Wilbur Cross in 1942. (University Library Archives & Special Collections)

Before Homer Babbidge, There Was Wilbur Cross Library

For nearly 40 years until Babbidge Library opened, the Wilbur Cross Building was the academic heart of the University of Connecticut. Read more.

A mother holding her newborn baby. (Getty Images)

Adding Context to ‘Breast is Best’

A new study suggests that, independent of breastfeeding, a range of factors influence infant health in the first year of life, and these need to be supported by social policies. Read more.

Schools and Colleges

PHR Tyler Ackley Awarded Competitive AFPE Gateway to Research Scholarship

UConn in the News


Here’s How Much Fast Food Americans Are Eating

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University of Connecticut

34 North Eagleville Road, Unit 3144

Storrs, Connecticut 06269

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