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Daily HeadlinesMarch 4, 2019

A three-year-old horseshoe crab in the lab at UConn's Institute for Systems Genomics. (Angelina Reyes/UConn Photo)

Horseshoe Crabs: How Did They Get an Exception?

How they've managed to stay the same is a great mystery. Now, researchers at UConn are assembling a detailed map of the horseshoe crab’s DNA, to learn why these 'living fossils' seem frozen in time. Read more.

#UConnBound: Storrs Freshman Admissions Decision Day Arrives

Acceptance letters are in the mail and will start arriving in mailboxes as early as today. Applicants can log into the admissions website and check their status. Read more.

Schools and Colleges

MED One Shoulder at a Time

UConn in the News

New York Times

Using Arts Education to Help Other Lessons Stick

Inside Higher Ed

Supporting Grad Students Who Have Partners and Families

Science Daily

Junk Food Purchases Increase After Recreational Marijuana Legalization

Medicine Newsline

Munchies: Does Cannabis Really Increase Desire for Junk Food?

Hearst news

Column: Why it’s Time to Seize the Day

Tech Times

Ultrastrong Spider Silk May Be Used As Robotic Muscles

University Communications

University of Connecticut

34 North Eagleville Road, Unit 3144

Storrs, Connecticut 06269

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