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Daily HeadlinesFebruary 7, 2017

Illustration from Alice Through the Looking Glass by Sir John Tenniel. (Getty Images)

Children’s Books May Boost Appetite for Unhealthy Food

A study led by a UConn researcher suggests that the way food is portrayed in picture books may be sending the wrong messages to children about healthy eating. Read more.

When it's cold outside and the sky is gray, there's still plenty of fun to be had on campus. The UConn Street Performers Club is always looking for new members, with any skill level. (Garrett Spahn/UConn Photo)

A Week of Winter Fun

Yes, it's cold outside and the sky is gray, but there's still plenty of fun to be had on campus. Read more.

Katie Koshes, freshman softball pitcher. (Athletic Communications Photo)

Connecticut Native Ready for Softball Season

Katie Koshes, a former two-sport athlete at Amity Regional High School, will wear a UConn uniform for the first time in a regular season game this Friday. Read more.

Schools and Colleges

CLAS 2017 ‘Leadership Legacy’ Students

BUS 2017 Business Hall of Fame

UConn in the News

Washington Post

This is what we learned by counting the women’s marches

Washington Post

A young boy, a devastating brain tumor and parents who ‘will do anything’

Healthy Hearing

New test uncovers early hidden hearing loss

Health Medicine Network

Cold and Flu Myths: Best, Worst Ways to Treat Winter Viruses

Health Medicine Network

How geospatial characteristics affect those most affected by HIV

Becker's Hospital Review

International research team partners with IBM to identify childhood cancer treatments

Broadway World

Connecticut Repertory Theatre to Present ‘Waiting for Lefty’

Health News Digest

New Solution for Closing a Hole in the Heart

University Communications

University of Connecticut

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