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Daily HeadlinesFebruary 28, 2019

Students participate in Fresh Check Day in the concourse (atrium) at Uconn Stamford on Oct. 9, 2018. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Trustees Review Expansion Ideas for UConn Stamford Academics

In light of rapidly growing enrollment at the Stamford Campus, the University is considering adding new majors and additional student services. Read more.

A young woman eating pizza in front of the refrigerator late at night. (Getty Images)

UConn Study: Junk Food Purchases Increase after Recreational Marijuana Legalization

New research by a UConn economist found a link between state recreational marijuana legalization and increased consumption of certain high-calorie foods. Read more.

Schools and Colleges

BUS Students Shine in National Diversity Case Competition

MED UConn John Dempsey Hospital Recertified as Primary Stroke Center

MED New Findings for Cancer Patients With Sickle Cell

OVPR Meet the Researcher: Mark Litt, UConn Health

PHR Corey Robinson Uses Degrees in Pharmacy and Business to Make a Difference

PHR Dean’s Student Liaison Committee Gives Pharmacy Students a Chance to Speak Their Minds

UConn in the News

Ed Week

‘It’s Barbaric.’ Lawmakers Probe Restraint and Seclusion Ahead of Legislation

University Communications

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