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Daily HeadlinesDecember 6, 2018

Professor Will Ouimet, center, and students from his undergraduate geology lab course insert the core into the soil at the base of Horsebarn Hill. (Tom Rettig/UConn Photo)

Core Samples Dig Deep into History of Horsebarn Hill

Samples taken from an iconic campus location are helping undergraduates in a geology lab course learn how to read the history of geologic layers going back tens of thousands of years. Read more.

Alfred Rogers '53 (CLAS), '63 JD, speaks on campus as part of the 125th Anniversary celebrations in 2006. (UConn File Photo)

When a UConn Fraternity Stood Up To Segregation

Tom Breen of UConn360 podcast recounts an incident in UConn history that played a significant role nationally. Read more.

Jonathan the Husky is illuminated by holiday lights behind his statue near Gampel Pavilion. (Lucas Voghell ’20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)

UConn at Night

From students studying far into the night to the festive atmosphere created by holiday lights, UConn's main campus is aglow 24/7. Read more.

Schools and Colleges

ENG From Undecided to Dean of Engineering at MTU

UConn in the News

Hearst news

Connecticut Preps for Weather Extremes, Flooding Highlighted in Climate Report

Space Daily

UConn Research Project Heading to International Space Station

University Communications

University of Connecticut

34 North Eagleville Road, Unit 3144

Storrs, Connecticut 06269

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