
Steffan Goelitzer discussing his diagnosis with his doctor at UConn Health

Bone Marrow Transplant Team Provides Lifesaving Care for German Patient with Rare Brain Cancer

As the couple prepares to head back to Germany, they say they will always consider UConn Health their second home

Wilbur Cross building inside a UConn snowglobe

UConn is a Snowglobe

May this time of year fill you with peace, warmth, and the joy of togetherness

Waste to Resource: How A State-of-the-Art Facility Helps UConn Save Water

Since the Reclaimed Water Facility came online, it has reclaimed hundreds of millions of gallons of wastewater for reuse on campus

Students from the UConn Schools of Medicine and Dental Medicine, learn anatomy in the interactive virtual anatomy laboratory

Virtual Anatomy Lab

An authentic experience with current imaging methods

Photo of plants overlayed by text reading "Cultural food guide: tackling food insecurity"

Tackling Food Insecurity: Cultural Food Guide

The UConn Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health is tackling food insecurity with cultural food guides

"Innovation Connecticut" on a screen with a row of chairs on the stage

UConn Innovation Documentary Draws Hundreds, Prompts Insightful Panel Discussion

'UConn has been at the heart of our innovation for many years, and we need it more now than ever'

UConn Health geneticist Blanka Rogina studying in her lab

Science in Seconds – Eating Less, Living Longer

A UConn Health geneticist is studying whether it's ever too late to improve a person's health and diet

Electrical Aviation

UConn research is on the cutting edge of research into decarbonizing aviation

Lifelong Husky Couple Expands Scholarship by Giving Through Their Life Insurance

The scholarship has already provided financial support for 11 undergraduate students at the Avery Point campus and now it will support many more students for years to come

Microscopic view of fruit flies with the title of the video "The Genetic lives of Fruit Flies"

Winged Wonders

Why the tiny fruit fly is mighty in scientific value