Scott Slater

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African American Student taking an online class on her laptop

UConn Online MBA Program Debuts Highly in New National Ranking

Poets & Quants based its rankings on salary increase and promotion during and shortly after graduation; career advising and support to students; alumni achieving their primary career goals; and opportunities for networking and professional satisfaction. Data was collected directly from alumni.

Former U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman departing the White House in 2017 (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Senator Lieberman Believed in the Power of Innovation to Drive Economic Growth, Tackle Pressing Global Issues

Professor Ryan Coles offers a remembrance for the Senator, who supported the school's entrepreneurship initiatives.

Susan Spiggle (above), professor emeritus in marketing, delivers a presentation entitled "Principles of Writing for Clarity" during the Fall '18 semester. (Nathan Oldham / UConn School of Business)

Ph.D. Candidates: From Writing Prose to Writing Pros

The Writing and Econometrics Assistance Program complements the other discipline-based trainings the students receive. It helps the students not only choose the most appropriate methods for their research, but also craft a research paper that clearly and concisely conveys their research findings.

Karl El-Mir '19 follows an intense schedule on and off the ice - and it pays off. (Athletic Communications Photo)

Enthusiasm, Hard Work Keep Hockey’s El-Mir ’19 On Top

A fourth and final year at UConn has El-Mir reminiscing about his experiences. Because he didn’t have any teammates in his business classes, El-Mir had to meet new people, and those students became his friends, he said. Through their shared classes, the management seniors have grown to know each other well.

Courtesy of UConn Men's Football program

Aaron McLean ’19: Persistence, Determination Key

School of Business senior Aaron McLean from Southborough, Mass., is enjoying his last year on the UConn football team while simultaneously preparing for a career in business. In a recent interview he shared his dedication to hard work, his love of movies, and insight into the person who is his biggest sideline fan.