Sheila Foran

Author Archive

array (size=10)
  0 => int 154960
  1 => int 154479
  2 => int 154096
  3 => int 154105
  4 => int 153705
  5 => int 153063
  6 => int 153058
  7 => int 153061
  8 => int 153057
  9 => int 153610

/var/www/sites/ 154960
UConn’s Raman Bahal Has Joined “Jack’s Pack” in the Fight Against Pediatric Cancer

"Ivory Tower" research takes on a special meaning when successful results can be applied to the stories of real people. In this case, to a little boy named Jack.

James Halpert, professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at UConn

/var/www/sites/ 154479
James Halpert Named a Fellow of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics

Former Dean of the School of Pharmacy joins industry leaders in being named to inaugural class of ASPET Fellows.

/var/www/sites/ 154096
Sameera Sansare Awarded Prestigious ISPE Scholarship

This graduate student combines intellect, inquisitiveness and sincerity in her research efforts -- and it's paying off!

Diana Sobieraj and William Baker outside the UConn School of Pharmacy.

/var/www/sites/ 154105
Study Shows Opioids Not the Only Option for Pain Management

UConn researchers studied the effectiveness of opioid and nonopioid analgesics in treating moderate to severe pain in prehospital settings.

2019-2020 Student National Pharmaceutical Association National Board

/var/www/sites/ 153705
Jennifer Akosa ’20 (Pharm.D.) Named SNPhA Mental Health Chair

Pharmacy student Jennifer Akosa is using her leadership skills to help those in under-served communities.

Kristen Waters UConn School of Pharmacy

/var/www/sites/ 153063
New School of Pharmacy Faculty Member Kristin Waters                         

Kristin Waters, Pharm.D.  has joined the UConn School of Pharmacy as Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice. She is a specialist in psychiatric pharmacy and her practice site will be at Yale New Haven Hospital. There, she will train students about psychiatric drugs and general topics and provide care to individuals with […]

Stefanie Nigro UConn School of Pharmacy faculty

/var/www/sites/ 153058
New School of Pharmacy Faculty Member Stefanie Nigro

Stefanie Nigro, Pharm.D., has joined the UConn School of Pharmacy as Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice. Her practice site will be at the Farmington location of Prohealth Physicians, Connecticut’s leading community based medical group.  There, she will provide both patient and population based health care services focusing on disease state management and […]

Kathleen Adams Uconn School of Pharmacy

/var/www/sites/ 153061
New School of Pharmacy Faculty Member Kathleen Adams

Kathleen Adams, ’15 (Pharm.D) has joined the UConn School of Pharmacy as Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice, with a focus on general medicine. Her duties will include teaching at the School of Pharmacy and precepting students on their Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences at her practice site at Yale New Haven Hospital.  […]

Na Li UConn School. of Pharmacy Faculty

/var/www/sites/ 153057
New School of Pharmacy Faculty Member Na Li

Na Li has joined the UConn School of Pharmacy as Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.  Her work will include physical pharmacy, particularly in the area of dissolution of amorphous formulations, as well as more biologically focused research on intestinal endothelium permeability and its interplay with the microbiome.  Her initial teaching responsibilities will […]

Kevin Chamberlin UConn School of Pharmacy

/var/www/sites/ 153610
Chamberlin Named Interim Associate Dean for Admissions and Student Affairs

A clinical professor of pharmacy practice with an award winning record as a preceptor takes the reins as interim associate dean.