Michael Kirk
Author Archive
MSE Congratulates Haibo Yu as Graduate Student of the Year
Each year, the MSE faculty vote to recognize the cumulative efforts of a near-graduating Ph.D. student for Graduate Student of the Year. The Department extends its congratulations to Haibo Yu, a fifth-year Ph.D. student in Professor Mark Aindow’s group, who was voted Graduate Student of the Year for 2017 from a pool of outstanding candidates.
June 28, 2017 | Eli Freund
White House Honors Dr. Cato Laurencin with National Medal of Technology and Innovation
UConn’s Dr. Cato Laurencin was honored on May 19 at the White House by President Barack Obama with the National Medal of Technology and Innovation.
May 20, 2016 | Eli Freund
Engineering Centennial Events on Friday, April 29th
Join us for our Alumni Reunion & Engineering Reception April 29!
April 20, 2016 | Eli Freund
Save the Date! SoE’s Scholarship Reception and Ceremony Is Coming
Exceptional Engineering students will be honored Sept. 16
June 24, 2015 | Eli Freund
Better (and Healthier) Ice Cream Through Engineering
Engineering a healthier ice cream option at the UConn Creamery
April 14, 2015 | Eli Freund
Four SoE Faculty Win NSF CAREER Awards
Four NSF CAREER awards in one year for SoE! Dongare, Wille, Vadas and Park receive the prestigious honor
February 20, 2015 | Eli Freund
Faculty News
Awards for Syam Nukavarapu and Barry Carter, a state appointment for Nicholas Lownes and the newest CASE Academy inductees
May 22, 2014 | Michael Kirk, and Richard Veilleux
2014 Scholarship Awards Event: Change in Date
The School of Engineering’s annual scholarship awards event will take place early in the Fall 2014 semester, rather than the traditional spring semester date. The change to a fall event will enable more of our many generous donors and the exceptional students receiving scholarships to attend the event. Look for details in upcoming issues of Momentum!
March 10, 2014 | Eli Freund
Space Station astronauts talk with ABC News
International Space Station astronauts Mike Hopkins and Rick Mastracchio of NASA talked with the ABC News Digital On-Line Network about life and research in space during an in-flight interview Feb. 19
March 10, 2014 | Eli Freund