
Kim Krieger

Kim Krieger has covered politics from Capitol Hill and energy commodities from the floor of the New York Mercantile Exchange. Her stories have exposed fraud in the California power markets and mathematical malfeasance in physics. And she knows what really goes on in the National Radio Quiet Zone. These days, Kim tells clear, compelling stories of the research at UConn. Her work connects Connecticut citizens and the press with the vast resources of their flagship public university. When not at UConn, she can be found kayaking among the beautiful Norwalk islands, digging in her garden, or occasionally enjoying the silence in the National Radio Quiet Zone.

Author Archive

The 3D crystalline structure of CD13, a protein vital for the integrin mode of cell movement. (A.H. Wong and J.M. Rini, University of Toronto)

Missing Molecule Hobbles Cell Movement

A new UConn study finds that cells missing a certain protein on their surface can’t move normally, with implications for wound repair as well as the spread of cancer.

Two male glyptodonts (Doedicurus clavicaudatus) facing off: The massive, club-shaped tails were probably used more for intraspecific combat than defense against predators. ( Peter Schouten Illustration)

Geological Record Provides a Window to Past Flora and Fauna

A new study uses soil geochemistry to link the prevalence of grass-eating mammals in the late Miocene to climate change at that time.

UConn research was the cover story in a recent edition of the journal CrystEngComm.

Crystallizing Knowledge with a Learning Machine

UConn researchers working with Pfizer used machine learning to figure out the best way to coax a drug into solid form for the development of pharmaceuticals.

Prader Willi stem cells. (Yaling Liu/UConn Photo)

UConn and Foundation for Prader-Willi Research Create Stem Cell Biobank

The biobank will be able to supply induced-pluripotent stem cells for Prader-Willi syndrome to researchers throughout the world.

Multiple Sclerosis with demyelination. (Shutterstock Image)

Study: Brain Stem Cells Age Faster in MS Patients

The prematurely old cells act differently in the brain than normal ones, and could be the key to new treatments for the disease, say researchers.

Meaghan Perdue, a developmental psychology graduate student, who gave birth to a child in November.

First Steps: UConn Partners on Child Care Fellowship

A new private-public fellowship program is intended to make it easier for new UConn parents to return to research.

A three-year-old horseshoe crab in the lab at UConn's Institute for Systems Genomics. (Angelina Reyes/UConn Photo)

Horseshoe Crabs: How Did They Get an Exception?

How they've managed to stay the same is a great mystery. Now, researchers at UConn are assembling a detailed map of the horseshoe crab’s DNA, to learn why these 'living fossils' seem frozen in time.

Acrylics and the closely related acrylates are the building blocks for many kinds of plastics, glues, textiles, dyes, paints, and papers. Now researchers from UConn and ExxonMobil describe a new process for making acrylics that would increase energy efficiency and reduce toxic byproducts. (Getty Images)

A Better Way to Make Acrylics

Researchers from UConn and ExxonMobil describe a new process for making acrylics that would increase energy efficiency and reduce toxic byproducts.

Bryan Huey’s lab used the tip of an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) as a chisel to scrape away the surface of bismuth ferrite and map the electric landscape of the interior. (Image courtesy of the Huey Lab)

A Microscope as a Shovel? UConn Researchers Dig It

Using a familiar tool in a way it was never intended to be used opens up a whole new method to explore materials, report UConn researchers in a recent study.

(Getty Images)

Artificial Skin Could Give Superhuman Perception

Metal skin might sound like a superhero power, but UConn researchers hope it could help burn victims 'feel' again.