Julie (Stagis) Bartucca '10 (BUS, CLAS), '19 MBA

Author Archive

array (size=10)
  0 => int 145412
  1 => int 145012
  2 => int 143964
  3 => int 143238
  4 => int 141210
  5 => int 140088
  6 => int 152410
  7 => int 140087
  8 => int 138893
  9 => int 138044
Amy Goto, cello, age 14. (Photo courtesy of 'From the Top')

/var/www/sites/edu.uconn.today.dev/public_html/wp-content/themes/uconn-today-2015-theme/template-parts/partial-story-row.php:49:int 145412
Sparking JOY!

The Jorgensen Outreach for Youth program aims to expose area children, especially those from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, to the arts.

Erin Young, assistant professor of nursing, center, responds to a question during a UConn Science Salon on pain. Sittting at left is her husband and fellow pain researcher, assistant professor Kyle Baumbauer. (Peter Morenus/UConn File Photo)

/var/www/sites/edu.uconn.today.dev/public_html/wp-content/themes/uconn-today-2015-theme/template-parts/partial-story-row.php:49:int 145012
Looking to the Day When Being a Woman in STEM Won’t Be an Issue

Pain researcher Erin Young can't wait for people to stop asking what it's like to be a woman in her field.

Thomas Buckley, UConn associate clinical professor of pharmacy practice, one of several UConn researchers working with survivors of the Khmer Rouge, at a rural village health clinic in Cambodia during a sabbatical leave. (Courtesy of Tom Buckley)

/var/www/sites/edu.uconn.today.dev/public_html/wp-content/themes/uconn-today-2015-theme/template-parts/partial-story-row.php:49:int 143964
Helping Victims of Genocide in Cambodia – 40 Years On

'We never talk about trauma after it's over,' says Mary Scully of Khmer Health Advocates. UConn researchers are working to improve the health of refugees who have survived trauma.

UConn360's first live podcast was recorded in Werth Tower at the start of Homecoming weekend, with an audience of alumni, staff, and students. (Lucas Voghell '20 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)

/var/www/sites/edu.uconn.today.dev/public_html/wp-content/themes/uconn-today-2015-theme/template-parts/partial-story-row.php:49:int 143238
Live Podcast Highlights Homecoming

UConn360's first live podcast was recorded in Werth Tower at the start of Homecoming weekend, with an audience of alumni, staff, and students.

Kailin Lu '20 (CLAS), left, Emmanuel 'Manny' Chinyumba '20 (CLAS), and Princess Madu '19 (CLAS), tour guides at the Lodewick Visitors Center, are among the students talking about what they are looking forward to this year at UConn. (Julie Bartucca/UConn Photo)

/var/www/sites/edu.uconn.today.dev/public_html/wp-content/themes/uconn-today-2015-theme/template-parts/partial-story-row.php:49:int 141210
Students, What’s in Storrs for You This Year?

Julie Bartucca of UConn360 Podcast asks students what they are looking forward to at UConn in 2018-19.

A black father kisses the forehead of his newborn son. (Ariel Skelley/Getty Images)

/var/www/sites/edu.uconn.today.dev/public_html/wp-content/themes/uconn-today-2015-theme/template-parts/partial-story-row.php:49:int 140088
Bridging the Health Care Gap

'Boys and men of color in our nation are uniquely underserved across a number of health indicators,' says Wizdom Powell, director of the Health Disparities Institute at UConn Health.

/var/www/sites/edu.uconn.today.dev/public_html/wp-content/themes/uconn-today-2015-theme/template-parts/partial-story-row.php:49:int 152410
Taking a Page from the Swing Journal

Over the years, students and visitors alike have filled dozens of “swing journals” with mostly anonymous contemplations, words of encouragement, jokes, stories, and confessions.

UConn Health's new hybrid operating room.

/var/www/sites/edu.uconn.today.dev/public_html/wp-content/themes/uconn-today-2015-theme/template-parts/partial-story-row.php:49:int 140087
UConn Health’s Hybrid OR Expands Surgical Capabilities

The new 1,200-square-foot, high-tech operating room allows surgeons to perform a range of procedures in one setting.

Translation expert Peter Constantine consults a Greek dictionary from the collection of the Department of Literatures, Cultures, & Languages. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

/var/www/sites/edu.uconn.today.dev/public_html/wp-content/themes/uconn-today-2015-theme/template-parts/partial-story-row.php:49:int 138893
Found in Translation

Peter Constantine, director of UConn's Literary Translation Program, says translation opens up the windows and doors to the world.

Kristi Kaeppel, a graduate student in the Neag School of Education, teaching adult students. (Photo by Rob Deza)

/var/www/sites/edu.uconn.today.dev/public_html/wp-content/themes/uconn-today-2015-theme/template-parts/partial-story-row.php:49:int 138044
How Dropping Out of High School Helped Grad Student Learn About Teaching

Julie Bartucca from the UConn 360 podcast discusses with Ph.D. candidate Kristi Kaeppel how her background informs her research today.