Colin Poitras

Author Archive


Can These Conservative Sites Capture Millennials’ Hearts and Minds?


Law students provide free legal assistance to immigrant detainees at York County Prison

Autonomous vehicle running on the street, with city buildings in the background. (Getty Images)

Taking the Wheel: The Rise of Self-Driving Cars

A UConn transportation safety engineer discusses the brave new world of driverless vehicles.

A man boards a bus on a flooded street as a powerful storm moves across Southern California on Feb. 17, 2017 near Sun Valley, Calif. After years of severe drought, heavy winter rains came to the state, and with them, the issuance of flash flood watches in three counties, and the evacuation of hundreds of residents from Duarte, Calif. for fear of flash flooding from areas denuded by a wildfire last year. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)

Accounting for Extreme Rainfall

A UConn climate scientist says more intense and frequent rainfall is coming, with no drop-off.

Chris Clark, Research Scientist; Tom Jarvie, CEO; Mark Driscoll, CSO; and Ryan Beach, Research Scientist. Jarvie and Driscoll are discussing the manufacturing process for the kits. (Janine Gelineau/UConn Health Photo)

To Market, To Market, with Science Solutions

A Connecticut startup company’s journey in the land of innovation through UConn's Technology Incubation Program.

An elderly man taking his pills. (Getty Images)

When Pills are the Problem: The Movement to Deprescribe

Do you still need all the meds you're taking? Clinical professor Sean Jeffery recommends reviewing your medications with your physician every year.

Hartford skyline on a sunny afternoon. (Ultima_Gaina/Getty Images)

Feeling the Heat: The Urban Response to Climate Change

A survey of low-income Hartford residents shows many are concerned about climate change and want to learn more about it to protect themselves and their families.

Chemistry Ph.D. student Islam Mosa holds an ultrathin implantable bioelectronic device he developed that is powered by a novel supercapacitor capable of generating enough power to sustain a cardiac pacemaker. It is more biocompatible and lasts much longer than existing pacemaker batteries. (Photo courtesy Islam Mosa)

Innovative Device Could Offer New Hope for Heart Patients

A UConn graduate student is developing a new micro-scale power source that is significantly smaller and more efficient than the batteries used in most cardiac pacemakers today.

EM Drive in forward thrust configuration. (NASA Photo)

To Mars in 70 Days. Science Fiction or Fact?

Radical new propulsion system researched by NASA violates physics. UConn expert Brice Cassenti discusses whether the 'impossible' EM Drive is possible.

Structures called 'Terasaki ramps,' consisting of stacked sheets connected by helical ramps, have been found in cell cytoplasm (left) and neutron stars (right). The original structures were first identified by UConn Health cell biologist Mark Terasaki. (University of California, Santa Barbara Photo)

Of Parking Garages, Nuclear Pasta, and Cosmic Connections

A unique cellular structure named after a UConn professor may also exist in the outer crust of neutron stars thousands of light-years away. Physicists are trying to figure out why.