Combined Reports
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UConn Team Awarded USAID/HED Funds to Help Improve Water Resource Management in Ethiopia
A team of UConn researchers, partnering with collaborators from five Ethiopian universities and Alabama A&M University, has been selected to receive significant funding from USAID through the Africa-US Higher Education Initiative to support work aimed at building Ethiopia’s educational capacity to effectively manage its water resources. The team was one of just 11 chosen. UConn […]
September 22, 2010 | Combined Reports
What’s Next? Combine Purpose, Passion and a Paycheck
It is not news that many Connecticut residents are looking for employment. What is unique is that many older Connecticut professionals, those over 50 in the boomer generation, are seeking more than just a paycheck in their second half of life—but employment with a purpose—encore careers. What’s Next?: Combine Purpose, Passion and a Paycheck in […]
September 13, 2010 | Combined Reports
UConn to Display ‘Red Flags’ of Abusive Relationships as Part of Statewide Campaign
Deciding whether or not to intervene in a good friend’s relationship is never easy. Maybe you see qualities in their significant other that make you uneasy. Perhaps your friend’s personality has changed for the worse since they began dating. Or maybe it’s the chemistry between the two that just doesn’t seem right. But is it […]
September 13, 2010 | Combined Reports
Residential Learning Communities Help Foster Student Interests
More and more students at UConn are seeking residential learning communities that will pique their intellectual and social interests, whether it’s engineering students interested in jazz, international students hoping to fit into American culture, or students passionate about issues of social justice.
April 6, 2009 | Karen A. Grava
Study Examines Impact of Exercise on Older Women Who Smoke
Dr. Cheryl Oncken, associate professor of medicine, has received a five-year, $4 million federal grant to study whether exercise can help older women quit smoking and improve their overall health.
March 16, 2009 | Kristina Goodnough
Safety Comes First for UConn’s Director of Scientific Diving
His job has a simple bottom line. Or rather, line to the bottom. Everyone who goes down must come up. But for Jeffrey Godfrey, director of scientific diving for UConn’s marine sciences programs in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, getting to the bottom and back up again requires planning, planning, and more planning. Training and more training. Testing and re-testing of equipment. And even calling the dive off when things don’t look exactly right.
December 8, 2008 | Karen A. Grava