Craig Burdick
Author Archive
Javidi Wins 2019 C.E.K. Mees Medal from The Optical Society
The UConn School of Engineering is pleased to announce that Dr. Bahram Javidi, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, has been awarded the prestigious C.E.K. Mees Medal from The Optical Society (OSA), which he will accept in June 2019.
February 20, 2019 | Eli Freund
TEDxUConn: It’s About Time
Billed as a discussion of trends (technological, sociocultural, and global), the first TEDxUConn also built a consortium of friends.
November 4, 2013 | Craig Burdick
Freshmonster Makes Friends the New-fashioned Way
Skip Toumalou '17 (SFA) was new to UConn and social media. Thanks to some quick thinking and quicker sharing, she's now a star.
October 7, 2013 | Sarah Nolen '15 MFA & Craig Burdick
When the Dawgz Go Marching In
Students in the New Orleans-style Funky Dawgz Brass Band share a passion to perform.
September 20, 2013 | Craig Burdick
New Senior Scoop Flavor Minted
The Class of 2013 Senior Scoop flavor made its debut at One Ton Sundae, and is available at the UConn Dairy Bar.
February 1, 2013 | Craig Burdick
UConn Providing Services to Help Off-Campus Students
The University is working with property managers to spread information.
October 30, 2012 | John Armstrong
Engineering Student Enjoys Best of Both Worlds in Eurotech Program
Kimberly Sayre '15 (CLAS, ENG) has a passion for computers and a passion for the German language. This fall she will study in Freiburg as a Eurotech student.
August 16, 2012 | Craig Burdick '96 (CLAS), '01 (ENG)
An Olympic Debt Paid: Dee Rowe to Represent UConn at London Games
Thirty-two years after a political decision took the Olympic experience away from Donald 'Dee' Rowe, UConn is doing all it can to give it back.
July 27, 2012 | Phil Chardis
A Teacher at Heart
Fulbright Scholar Wendy Glenn spent nearly a year in Norwegian schools, challenging assumptions about life in America. Now she's back in American classrooms.
March 22, 2012 | Craig Burdick
UConn’s Homepage Gets a Mobile Makeover
The University recently launched a new official mobile homepage, to serve as an entry point for UConn mobile resources.
February 23, 2012 | Craig Burdick