Did you know you can keep tabs on the construction of the I-Lot garage from anywhere with an internet connection?
A web cam trained on the work site has been capturing snapshots every half-hour from 6 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. since the summer. The archived pictures go back to Aug. 2.
Gov. Dannel P. Malloy led a groundbreaking in I-Lot to ceremonially kick off the Bioscience Connecticut construction June 12. The I-Lot garage, which is the first Bioscience Connecticut project started, is scheduled to open in the spring.
“The web cam technology provides greater project visibility, efficiency, and accountability,” says Tom Trutter, associate vice president of facilities development and operations. “Anyone who is interested can watch the progress on the site. Our field construction managers are able to see the activities onsite real time, allowing them to be efficient with their site visits. In addition we are able to review potential job site safety and progress issues and address them quickly.”
Plans are for the installation of additional web cams to monitor other construction projects on other parts of the UConn Health Center campus.
The footage is available at http://biosciencect.uchc.edu/building_projects. It then will be used to create a time-lapse video that will become part of the project record documents.
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