Health Center Grants, May 2011

The following grants were received through the UConn Health Center’s Office of Research Administration and Finance in May 2011. The list represents new awards as well as continuations. The list of grants is supplied to UConn Today by the Office of Research Administration and Finance. Federal Alessi, S., Pat & Jim Calhoun Cardiology Center IVR […]

The following grants were received through the UConn Health Center’s Office of Research Administration and Finance in May 2011. The list represents new awards as well as continuations. The list of grants is supplied to UConn Today by the Office of Research Administration and Finance.

Alessi, S.,
Pat & Jim Calhoun Cardiology Center
IVR Technology to Mobilize Contingency Management for Smoking Cessation
National Institute on Drug Abuse, $223,967, 5/10-4/12

Barbarese, E., Neuroscience
Oligodendrocyte Ontogeny and Differentiation
National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke, $291,375, 5/07-4/12

Blindy, M., Center for Cell Analysis
Bringing Bionetgen Rule-Based Modeling to Virtual Cell Users
National Institute of General Medical Sciences, $292,284, 5/11-4/12

Eipper, E., Neuroscience
Biochemistry & Physiology of Peptide Amidation
National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases, $35,877, 3/10-2/12

Graveley, B., Genetics & Developmental Biology
Alternative Splicing of the Drosophila Dscam pre-DRNA
National Institute of General Medical Sciences, $330,741, 5/11-4/12

Gunzl, A., Genetics & Developmental Biology
RNA Polymerase II Transcription in Trypanosomes
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases, $382,288, 5/11-4/12

Loew, L., Center for Cell Analysis
National Resource for Cell Analysis and Modeling
National Center for Research Resources, $985,400, 5/11-4/12

Mains, R., Neuroscience
Cell Biology of Bioactive Peptide Secretion
National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Disease, $30,928, 4/09-1/12

Mehlmann, L., Cell Biology
Signaling Mechanisms That Regulate Meiosis in Mammalian Oocytes
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, $247,117, 8/07-4/12

Mohan, R., Neuroscience
Molecular Targets of Corneal Antiangiogenesis
National Eye Institute, $323,626, 9/10-7/11

Puddington, L., Immunology
Absorption of Maternal Antibodies from the Gastrointestinal Tract
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases, $230,750, 5/11-4/12

Wadhwa, S., Craniofacial Sciences
Estrogen Receptor Beta Regulation of Mandibular Condylar Growth
National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research, $346,125, 7/10-4/12

Wang, Z., Neuroscience
Molecular Bases of BK Channel Function & Localization
National Institute of Mental Health, $27,615, 12/09-11/11

Bona, R.,
Prevention of the Complications of Bleeding Disorders
*Worcester Memorial Hospital, $33,121, 9/10-9/11

Brenner, B., Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center
NSABP Treatment Trials TFED 40-185
*National Surgical Adjuvant Breast & Bowel Project, $38,734, 2/08-6/11

Ferrer, F., Center for Vascular Biology
CCNC Strategic Funds
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, $61,691, 10/10-9/11

Hoch, J., Molecular, Microbial & Structural Biology
NMR & Computational Studies of Biomolecules
*Harvard University, $223,277, 5/07-4/12

Liang, B., Pat & Jim Calhoun Cardiology Center
Jim & Pat Calhoun Cardiology Research Fund
UConn Foundation, $60,429, 2/03-12/11

Matson, A., Immunology
CCMC Strategic Plan Funds for Salary Support for Matson Lab
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, $24,523, 4/11-9/11

Nulsen, J., Obstetrics & Gynecology
Trial of the Effects of Oxygen Tension on Clinical In Vivo
*Yale University, $161,256, 12/10-11/11

Salazar, J., Pediatrics
Ryan White A
*City of Hartford, $39,838, 3/11-2/12

Schenck, P., Medicine
Cadmus IED096-UCONNHC-1AssignmentIII-22 (EPA#EP-D-08-096)
*Cadmus Group Inc., $48,386, 10/10-9/11

Srivastava, P., Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center
Neag Cancer Center Academic Clinical Advancement Reimbursement Account
UConn Foundation, $25,000, 10/6-12/11

Aliyu, O.,
Occupational Health Clinics
Connecticut Labor Department, $92,210, 7/10-6/11

Bruder, M., Child & Family Studies
Connecticut B-3 Autism Service Guidelines
Connecticut Department of Developmental Services, $67,500, 5/11-6/11

Ford, J., Psychiatry
Pandemic Influenza and Influenza healthcare Preparedness Improves for State
Connecticut Department of Mental Health/Addiction Services, $37,500, 8/09-6/12

Lalande, M., Genetics & Developmental Biology
High Throughput Screening Resources for 400 Farmington Ave #2
*UConn-Storrs, $58,709, 2/11-1/13

Ungemack, J., Community Medicine & Health
Substance Abuse Prevention & Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant-Analysis
Connecticut Department of Mental Health/Addiction Services, $25,000, 5/11-8/11

*Denotes federal funds awarded to other institutions and “passed through” to the UConn Health Center.