The following grants were received through the Office for Sponsored Programs (OSP) in August 2010. The list represents only new proposals awarded, and excludes continuations. The list is supplied each month by OSP.
Adamson, D., Chemistry
Development of an Anisotropic Thermal Transport Material
DOD/Air Force Office of Scientific Research, $226,743, 9/10-8/13
Anderson, S., Human Development/Family Studies Instruction & Research
Evaluation of School Attendance and School/Police Projects
CT Office of Policy & Management, $120,000, 7/10-6/11
Babb, I., National Undersea Research Center
ROV and Research Vessel for Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
DOC/National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, $16,000, 8/10-9/10
Bar-shalom, Y., Electrical & Computer Engineering
Fusion of Data and Tracks in Sensor Networks
DOD/Army, $300,000, 8/10-8/13
Bonelli, J., Extension
Producing Natural Local Meats for Consumers
USDA/National Institute of Food and Agriculture/University of Vermont, $60,000, 7/10-12/11
Brueckner, C., Chemistry
Collaborative Research: Optical Imaging of High pH-Dependent Degradation in Infrastructure Materials
NSF/ENG, $200,000, 9/10-8/13
Burgess, D., Pharmaceutical Sciences
Liposomal Protein Drug Products: A Quality by Design Case Study to Understand and Manage the Risks with Product and Process Variability
PHS/DHHS/Food & Drug Administration, $99,500, 7/10-7/11
Cabaniss, J., Marine Sciences
Charter of R/V CT by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for Right Whale Buoy Project
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, $18,204, 7/10-8/10
Cabaniss, J., Marine Sciences
Charter of R/V CT by Woods Hole Group for LIS ADCP Frame Deployment/Recovery
DOC/National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration/Woods Hole Group Inc., $24,272, 7/10-8/10
Cabaniss, J., Marine Sciences
Charter of R/V CT by Woods Hole Group for Buoy/ADCP Frame Deployment
DOD/Army/Corps of Engineers/Woods Hole Group Inc., $3,995, 7/10-7/10
Casa, D., Kinesiology
Athletic Training Service: A Partnership with Hartford Public Schools
Hartford Public Schools, Hartford, CT, $16,247, 8/10-6/11
Cetegen, B., Mechanical Engineering
Thermodynamic Modeling of a Rotating Detonation Engine
Innovative Scientific Solutions Inc., $120,778, 9/10-12/12
Chen, T., Molecular & Cell Biology
Identifying Biochemical Pathways Using Genetically Modified Trout
USDA/Department of Agriculture, $415,133, 5/10-5/15
Christenson, R., Civil & Environmental Engineering
Deployment and Integration of Instructional Shake Tables Using the NEES Cyberinfrastructure
NSF/EHR/Purdue University, $83,699, 9/09-8/11
Chun, O., Nutritional Sciences
Nutritional Evaluation of Orange Juice in the American Diet
PepsiCo Inc., $123,405, 8/10-12/11
Civco, D., Natural Resources & the Environment
American Chestnut in Connecticut: Developing Geospatial Models for the Prediction of Probable Sites for Finding Flowering Sprouts and Habitat Suitability for Reintroduction
American Chestnut Foundation, $60,000, 8/10-10/10
Enderle, J., Electrical & Computer Engineering
Clinical Engineering Internship Program at Brigham & Women’s Hospital
Brigham & Women’s Hospital, $140,603, 8/10-5/15
Fitzpatrick, C., Public Policy
Connecticut Probate Court System User Satisfaction Assessment
CT Judicial Branch/Probate Court System, $24,173, 8/10-10/10
Geary, S., Pathobiology & Veterinary Science
Forensic Proteomics of Virus Production
DHS/Department of Homeland Security/DOE/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, $151,764, 8/10-6/11
Getchis, T., Sea Grant College Program
Community-Supported Aquaculture and Education Project
DOC/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/DOC/NOAA/Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, $269,142, 1/11-12/12
Gibson, G., Physics
Coherent and Incoherent Control of Electronic, Vibrational, and Rotational Wavepackets with Ultrashort Laser Pulses
NSF/MPS, $370,000, 8/10-7/13
Gibson, G., Physics
Filamentation of Ultrashort High-intensity Laser Pulses
DOD/Navy/Naval Undersea Warfare Center, $12,000, 8/10-10/10
Girotto, J., Pharmacy Practice
Advancing CF Outcomes through Improved Adherence
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation/CT Children’s Medical Center, $1,396, 8/10-9/10
Hering, M., Mathematics
Varieties with Torus Actions: Algebra and Combinatorics
NSF/MPS, $120,000, 6/10-8/13
Howser, M., Library Research Services
Integrating Spatial Mapping with Civil Rights History in Metropolitan Connecticut
NEH/National Endowment for the Humanities, $100,800, 6/10-5/11
Huey, B., Chemical, Materials & Biomolecular Engineering
Switching in Solid State Memories Via Nucleation and Growth Mechanisms: Cause and Effect at the Nanometer and Nanosecond Scale
DOE/Department of Energy, $560,000, 8/10-4/14
Hurd, J., Natural Resources & the Environment
Building the Connecticut View Partners Consortium Through Education and Outreach and Potential Partners Meeting
U.S. Geological Survey/Department of the Interior/America View, $4,000, 8/10-3/11
Jain, S., Marketing
University of Connecticut Center for International Business Education and Research
ED/Office of Postsecondary Education, $1,592,000, 10/10-9/14
Jones, R., Physics
Defect Free, Ultra-Rapid Thinning/Polishing of Diamond Crystal Radiator Targets (20mm) for Highly Linearly Polarized Photon Beams
DOE/Department of Energy/Sinmat Inc., $30,000, 6/10-3/11
Joo, K., Physics
Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA)
NSF/National Science Foundation, $160,459, 8/10-8/11
Kalonia, D., Pharmaceutical Sciences
Impact of Protein-Protein Interactions and Crowding on Protein Stability
Abbott Laboratories, $86,000, 7/10-7/11
Kehle, T., Educational Psychology
School Psychology Internship – A. Damasio-Ortiz
Family and Children’s Aid, $22,309, 8/10-6/11
Kehle, T., Educational Psychology
School Psychology Internship – K. Gritter and E. Pease
Glastonbury Public Schools, Glastonbury, CT, $33,073, 8/10-6/11
Kehle, T., Educational Psychology
School Psychology Internship – S. McCarthy
Tolland Public Schools, Tolland, CT, $14,874, 8/10-6/11
Lei, Y., Chemical, Materials & Biomolecular Engineering
Collaborative Research: IDR-Magnetic Beads Linked Immunoassay Meets Micro Coulter Counter: Novel Multiplexed Biosensor System for Food Safety
NSF/ENG, $300,000, 8/10-7/13
Lewis, L., Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Collaborative Research: Assembling the Green Algal Tree of Life (GRAToL)
NSF/BIO, $601,590, 9/10-8/15
Lin, Y., Institute of Materials Science
Engineering Multicatalytic Enzyme Assemblies for Efficient Biomass Conversion to Fuels
DOE/Department of Energy, $200,000, 9/10-2/12
Luh, P., Electrical & Computer Engineering
Efficient and Robust Electricity Markets with Intermittent Renewable Generation and Smart Metering Infrastructure
NSF/ENG, $359,786, 8/10-7/13
Lynes, M., Molecular & Cell Biology
Protein Microarray System for Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnostics
PHS/National Institutes of Health/Ciencia Inc, $483,501, 8/10-6/12
Marsh, K., Psychology
Judgments of Religious Qualities and the Identification of Spiritual Exemplars
Religious Research Association, $2,200, 7/10-6/11
Martin, K., Allied Health Sciences
Implementation and Dissemination of Freshplace to Advance Nutrition Science and Policy
University of CT Health Center, $497,193, 4/10-3/15
Mellone, B., Molecular & Cell Biology
Mechanisms of Centromere Assembly in Drosophila
NSF/BIO, $783,060, 9/10-8/14
Meyer, T., Natural Resources & the Environment
Implementing and Testing a Real-time Network Positioning System for the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s Digital Design Environment
DOT/Department of Transportation/CT Department of Transportation, $503,000, 8/10-8/12
Myers, E., Communication Sciences
The Neural Bases of Statistical and Referential Cues to Phonetic Category Structure
PHS/NIH/National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders/Brown University, $15,915, 7/10-8/10
Nelson, C., Molecular & Cell Biology
Gene Duplication in Ribosomal Protein Evolution
NSF/BIO, $488,143, 6/10-8/13
Pasaogullari, U., Mechanical Engineering
Trade-Off Analysis of Emergency Backup Power Source
DOD/Navy/Office of Naval Research/Mystic Innovations Group, $14,625, 3/10-9/10
Peters, T., Computer Science & Engineering
EAGER: Visualization of Protein Folding for Nano-Machine Design
NSF/ENG, $49,896, 8/10-7/11
Ramprasad, R., Chemical, Materials & Biomolecular Engineering
Rational Design of Advanced Capacitor Films
DOD/Navy/Office of Naval Research, $4,417,073, 8/10-9/13
Renfro, M., Mechanical Engineering
Ignition Studies of Premixed Hydrocarbon and Vitiated Gas Mixtures at Atmospheric and Low Pressure
DOD/Air Force Office of Scientific Research/Innovative Scientific Solutions Inc., $90,000, 7/10-12/11
Risatti, G., Pathobiology & Veterinary Science
Characterization of Genetic Determinants of Virulence in CSF and ASF
USDA/Agricultural Research Service, $354,793, 8/10-7/12
Robinson, J., Human Development/Family Studies
Contrasting Dyads and Triads as they Build a Positive Alliance through Jumpstart: A Randomized Observational Study
Jumpstart Inc., $7,500, 6/10-8/11
Schultz, E., Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Collaborative Research: Planning Visit to East Africa for Environmental Research on Lake Victoria
NSF/OD, $6,360, 9/10-8/11
Shelton, D., Nursing Instruction & Research
Connecticut Correctional Health Services Research Partnership
PHS/National Institutes of Health, $955,216, 8/10-7/13
Shin, D., Computer Science & Engineering
Development and Testing of YSS Web Application
PHS/SAMHSA/Center for Mental Health Services/CT Department of Children & Families, $11,189, 8/10-10/10
Suib, S., Chemistry
SBIR Phase 1: Mn02 as Novel Cathode Catalysts for Power Generation and Wastewater Treatment in Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs)
NSF/National Science Foundation/Fuss & O’Neill Inc., $25,000, 7/10-12/10
Tehranipoor, M., Electrical & Computer Engineering
Test and Analysis for Critical Reliability and Variability Paths for Improving Yield, Product Quality and Reliability
Semiconductor Research Corp., $299,996, 9/10-8/13
Tobias, C., Marine Sciences
Collaborative Research: Benthic Microalgal Regulation of Carbon and Nitrogen Turnover in Land Margin Ecosystems: A Dual Stable Isotope Tracer Approach
NSF/BIO, $11,656, 5/10-2/11
Wagner, D., Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Collaborative Databasing of North American Bee Collections within a Global Informatics Network
NSF/BIO/American Museum of Natural History, $30,600, 6/10-5/12
Walikonis, R., Physiology & Neurobiology
Regulation of Dendritic Spines by the BRAG Arf-GEFs
Whitehall Foundation, $218,000, 8/10-8/13
Welch, M., Extension
Connecticut House Smart
USDA/National Institute of Food & Agriculture/Auburn University, $4,000, 1/10-12/10
Worthley, T., Extension
Private Forest Landowner Reactions to Community Engagement and Landscape-level Approaches to Forest Stewardship
USDA/Forest Service, $149,946, 9/10-8/12
Wright, D., Pharmaceutical Sciences
Potent Antifolates as New Therapeutics for MRSA
PHS/NIH/National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/Promiliad Biopharma Inc., $619,894, 7/10-6/12
Yelin, S., Physics
Interactive Effects in Polar Molecules and other Dipolar Media
NSF/MPS, $150,000, 9/10-8/13
Zofka, A., Civil & Environmental Engineering
Comprehensive Forensic Evaluation of the SPS-9A LTPP Project on Route 2 in Connecticut
CT Department of Transportation, $125,979, 8/10-6/11