“A Caregiver’s Journey”, a documentary produced by Steven Smith, a professor in the Department of Journalism, was recognized at The Best of Photojournalism, one of the world’s largest international photojournalism contests. The film also won first place at the National Press Photographers Association East Coast workshop, resulting in an invitation for Smith to speak at their conference in Virginia. The film has been successful at festivals and has received awards from the Athens International Art Film Festival and major festivals in Tokyo and Mannheim.
In Memoriam
Gary Bent, 82, of West Hartford, Conn., a retired professor in the Department of Physics, on March 3.
Peter Cheo, 93, of Niantic, Conn., retired chairman of the electrical engineering department, on Feb. 26.
David Markowitz, 87, of Storrs, Conn., a retired professor in the Department of Physics, on March 3.
Louis Pierro, 91, a retired acting head of the Department of Biology and Director of the Experiment Station, on March 5.