The UConn School of Pharmacy 2022 Pharm.D. class has selected William Baker, Pharm.D. and Professor Jeannette Wick as the 2022 School of Pharmacy Teachers of the Year. This is the first time the voting has resulted in a tie, resulting in two winners being selected.

Baker has been at UConn since 1996 when he was an undergraduate student and continues to do research and teach at the University today. His responsibilities include providing didactic lectures on cardiovascular disease and instructing 4th-year pharmacy students on inpatient cardiology and clinical research rotations. Aside from teaching, Baker is affiliated with the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, the American Heart Association, and the American College of Cardiology. His practice site is Hartford Hospital where he also completed a fellowship in 2008 on Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Outcomes.
“I am honored and humbled to have been chosen the recipient of the 2022 Teacher of the Year. This recognition along with receiving the 2022 Robert L. McCarthy Faculty Service Award represent two passions of mine, namely the education of our future generation of pharmacists as well as representing UConn at the national level within various medical organizations.” Baker commented. “To be chosen by the graduating class while at the same time receiving an award named after the first Dean of UConn School of Pharmacy that guided me early in my career is overwhelming and truly a blessing.”
Wick, who won this award last year as well, has a diverse career background, spending 25 years in the U.S. Public Health Service before coming to UConn. She worked in psychiatry while on active duty and then transferred to the National Cancer Institute where she managed a portfolio of investigational drugs and biologics. Freelance medical writing has been part of Jeannette’s career for decades and she has written on numerous diseases and medications. Additionally, Wick has always been interested in management and supervision and has written extensively on those topics as well.
“The funny thing about winning this award is that I often think I learn more from the students than they can possibly learn from me.” Wick remarked. “It is such an honor to see these bright, highly motivated young people become some of our nation’s best pharmacists. It’s humbling to know they think highly of me.”