It’s like Valentine’s Day being celebrated early at UConn Health’s Outpatient Pavilion COVID-19 Vaccine Pedestrian Site with some of the first eligible 75 years of age or older individuals getting vaccinated including married couples.
Couples have been making online or phone appointments to be vaccinated together, some who have been married for more than 50 years, and the bliss continues with joy and relief of getting the shots.
“This is a date,” laughed Charlie Cobb, 78, with his wife Jeanne, 77 of Avon who have been married for 56 years. “It’s a sense of relief. We have grandchildren, and they miss hugging us.”
And UConn Health’s online sign up process was easy the Cobbs report. “I got the email from UConn saying we could sign up, and I looked online, and oh my gosh I could get one,” shared Jeanne.
“It was so easy,” says Charlie. “Everyone is so nice and accommodating here.”
“I feel great and very happy. I’m looking forward to hugging my children and grandchildren,” says Jeanne. “I haven’t done that since March.”
“It’s fantastic. I am feeling great,” says Charlie after his first dose and looks forward to his second dose in a few weeks. “I feel very relieved. This will allow us to do some hugging.”
Charlie’s message to others: “The virus has been weighing on everyone’s minds. We lost a few friends. Get your vaccine. It’s a no-brainer.”

The Shaw family of Warren totally agrees with the Cobbs. Lester, 78 and Judith, 75 have been married for nearly 54 years.
“Do it,” says Lester. “Or check with your doctor if you have any concerns at all.”
“As soon as we got notice from the Governor we signed up,” shared Judith who reports she called UConn Health’s COVID-19 Program by phone to schedule her and her husband’s vaccinations. The scheduling phone line is 860-679-5589. “And here we are at UConn Health, and the process was so incredibly efficient, I can’t say enough. It’s been a great experience.”
“I feel good. I am so glad I could get it,” said Judith. “I am a little over the age of 20 but got my shot.”
She is a retired NICU nurse of UConn John Dempsey Hospital, plus, her and her husband receive their primary care at UConn Health.
“See you in 4 weeks for my second dose,” shared Judith.

The week of January 11 UConn Health began vaccinating eligible individuals age 75 years or older under new phase 1b guidance of the CT Department of Public Health. In addition to expanding its online scheduling tool for this newly eligible patient population, UConn Health launched a new COVID-19 Vaccine Scheduling Line at: 860-679-5589. The 860-679-8888 COVID-19 Vaccine Program general phone line can be used for any general questions or issues of those getting vaccinated.
Daniel Fine, 81, of West Hartford also got his COVID-19 vaccine at UConn Health.
“It was a piece of cake. I went in on my computer to UConn to sign up, and the rest was easy.”
“I feel wonderful, and very mentally and emotionally relieved,” says Fine who shared why he and his wife are choosing to get vaccinated. “We want to stick around for a long time. This is one step toward prevention. Hopefully we can go back to our normal life.”

He added: “I think our Governor is doing a good job and keeping us calm, and thankfully they have come up with a vaccine.”
Elaine Glaski of East Berlin is over 75 and says she easily signed up for her vaccine online with UConn Health too. “It took just a few minutes. It’s wonderful, and this vaccine is what I have been praying for.”
“Just do it,” says Glaski. “If you want to live get your shot. I haven’t gone anywhere. We have to get out of this prison. I can’t wait to hug my great, great granddaughter.”
Patty Drzata, 78, of Burlington also signed up online for her appointment via her UConn Health MyChart account and received her vaccine.
“I am so happy and excited,” says Drzata. “It’s a blessing, as my husband and I both have underlying conditions.”
Drzata stresses: “I hope everyone will get the vaccine. Don’t be hesitant.”
For more information, FAQs, or to schedule your online vaccination appointment visit UConn Health’s COVID-19 Vaccine Program’s website.