April 12, 2019 |
/var/www/sites/edu.uconn.today.dev/public_html/wp-content/themes/uconn-today-2015-theme/inc/uconn-today-theme-templating.php:101:string 'no custom author' (length=16)
/var/www/sites/edu.uconn.today.dev/public_html/wp-content/themes/uconn-today-2015-theme/inc/uconn-today-theme-templating.php:105:string '84' (length=2)
array (size=1)
0 => int 84
Angelina Reyes - UConn Communications
As part of a new video series, Charles Hernandez '20 (CLAS) shares what first shaped and inspired him to declare his current major.
In this new video series, UConn students share what first shaped and inspired them to declare their current major. Here, Charles Hernandez ’20 (CLAS) talks about his chosen major, psychology.