The Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE) has announced the election of 24 new members from among Connecticut’s leading experts in science, engineering, and technology.

Almost one third of this year’s newly elected members are faculty researchers at UConn or UConn Health. This brings the total number of CASE regular members from UConn and UConn Health to 118.
“What the 2019 CASE electees from UConn and UConn Health have achieved throughout their respective careers is truly astounding,” says Radenka Maric, vice president for research at UConn and UConn Health. “Our preeminent researchers are tackling major challenges that affect our citizens and our society – from cybersecurity to rare disease and everything in between. We are grateful to CASE for recognizing them through this prestigious award.”

Election to CASE is based on scientific and engineering distinction through significant contributions in theory or applications, and as demonstrated through the pioneering of new and developing fields and innovative products, outstanding leadership of nationally recognized technical teams, and external professional awards in recognition of scientific and engineering excellence.
The Academy identifies and studies issues and technological advances of concern to the people of Connecticut, and provides expert advice on science- and technology-related issues to state government and other Connecticut institutions.
The seven newly elected members from UConn and UConn Health are:
- John A. Chandy, Department Head & Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, School of Engineering
- Dr. Emily Germain-Lee, Chief of the Division of Pediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes, School of Medicine, and Professor of Pediatrics
- Bryan D. Huey, Professor and Department Head, Materials Science & Engineering, School of Engineering
- Dr. Se-Jin Lee, Presidential Distinguished Professor, Genetics and Genome Sciences, School of Medicine and Professor, The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine
- Dr. Annabelle Rodriguez-Oquendo, Linda & David Roth Chair of Cardiovascular Research and Professor of Cell Biology, School of Medicine
- Luyi Sun, Director of the Polymer Research Program, Institute of Materials Science, and Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- Riqiang Yan, Chair and Professor, Department of Neuroscience, School of Medicine

“This group of outstanding scientists, engineers, and physicians from UConn and UConn Health, along with other newly elected members, will help CASE continue providing unbiased advice on important issues concerning our state,” says Baki Cetegen, CASE president and United Technologies Chair Professor in UConn’s Department of Mechanical Engineering. “With their impressive backgrounds, these preeminent researchers will help the Academy provide invaluable, unbiased advice on science- and technology-related topics to the state legislature and government. I congratulate them all and look forward to their induction into the Academy in May.”
The new members will be introduced at the Academy’s 44th Annual meeting and dinner on May 28, 2019 at the Red Lion Hotel in Cromwell, Connecticut.