High school students participating in the field experience of NRCA's Conservation Ambassador Program listen to Ashley Helton, assistant professor of natural resources and the environment, teaching them how to conduct macroinvertebrate surveys near the Fenton River. Two of the students pictured, Richard Moore Jr. (wearing a blue shirt) and Eve Cullerton (behind Moore), are now undergraduates at UConn. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)
High school students participating in the field experience of NRCA's Conservation Ambassador Program listen to Ashley Helton, assistant professor of natural resources and the environment, teaching them how to conduct macroinvertebrate surveys near the Fenton River. Two of the students pictured, Richard Moore Jr. (wearing a blue shirt) and Eve Cullerton (behind Moore), are now undergraduates at UConn. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)

Vanesa Guadalupe, left, of Two Rivers High School in Hartford, now a UConn undergraduate, and Grace Herde of Hosatonic Valley Regional High School, survey insects in the UConn Forest during Biodiversity in the Night activities, part of the NRCA's Conservation Ambassador Program. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)
Vanesa Guadalupe, left, of Two Rivers High School in Hartford, now a UConn undergraduate, and Grace Herde of Hosatonic Valley Regional High School, survey insects in the UConn Forest during Biodiversity in the Night activities, part of the NRCA's Conservation Ambassador Program. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)

Maggie Yeung of Lyman Hall High School and UConn undergraduate Jaron Kolek, right, a natural resources and the environment major, are observed by Nate Kopler of Torrington High School while learning to track radio-collared animals using telemetry in the UConn Forest. The activity was part of the NRCA's Conservation Ambassador Program. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)
Maggie Yeung of Lyman Hall High School and UConn undergraduate Jaron Kolek, right, a natural resources and the environment major, are observed by Nate Kopler of Torrington High School while learning to track radio-collared animals using telemetry in the UConn Forest. The activity was part of the NRCA's Conservation Ambassador Program. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)

Tracy Rittenhouse, right, assistant professor of natural resources and the environment, teaches Adam LaMothe of Torrington High School and Julia Squillace of Watertown High School about amphibians in the UConn Forest, part of the field experience of NRCA's Conservation Ambassador Program. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)
Tracy Rittenhouse, right, assistant professor of natural resources and the environment, teaches Adam LaMothe of Torrington High School and Julia Squillace of Watertown High School about amphibians in the UConn Forest, part of the field experience of NRCA's Conservation Ambassador Program. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)

Beth Lawrence, foreground, assistant professor of natural resources and the environment, listens as Jenique Blair (Two Rivers HS) explains her project during the Conservation Ambassador Program poster session of the 10th annual Connecticut Conference on Natural Resources on campus in March 2016. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)
Beth Lawrence, foreground, assistant professor of natural resources and the environment, listens as Jenique Blair (Two Rivers HS) explains her project during the Conservation Ambassador Program poster session of the 10th annual Connecticut Conference on Natural Resources on campus in March 2016. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)

High school students in NRCA's Conservation Ambassador Program present their projects at the poster session of the 10th annual Connecticut Conference on Natural Resources on campus in March 2016. From left, Vanesa Guadalupe (Two Rivers HS), Grace Herde (Housatonic Valley Regional HS), Annie Brown (Valley Regional HS), Tianna Felder (Crosby HS), Adam LaMothe (Torrington HS). Guadalupe and Lamothe are now undergraduates at UConn. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)
High school students in NRCA's Conservation Ambassador Program present their projects at the poster session of the 10th annual Connecticut Conference on Natural Resources on campus in March 2016. From left, Vanesa Guadalupe (Two Rivers HS), Grace Herde (Housatonic Valley Regional HS), Annie Brown (Valley Regional HS), Tianna Felder (Crosby HS), Adam LaMothe (Torrington HS). Guadalupe and Lamothe are now undergraduates at UConn. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)

Ph.D. student Lucas Nathan teaches high school students participating in the NRCA's Conservation Training Partnerships program how to carry out water quality surveys in the Fenton River, while the adults on the team record the data on shore. Amanda Hernandez (wearing a red cap) is now a freshman at UConn. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)
Ph.D. student Lucas Nathan teaches high school students participating in the NRCA's Conservation Training Partnerships program how to carry out water quality surveys in the Fenton River, while the adults on the team record the data on shore. Amanda Hernandez (wearing a red cap) is now a freshman at UConn. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)

Ph.D. student Lucas Nathan teaches high school students participating in the NRCA's Conservation Training Partnerships program how to carry out water quality surveys in the Fenton River, while the adults on the team record data on shore. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)
Ph.D. student Lucas Nathan teaches high school students participating in the NRCA's Conservation Training Partnerships program how to carry out water quality surveys in the Fenton River, while the adults on the team record data on shore. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)

Caitlyn Murphy, left (East Catholic HS), and Naieem Kelly (Watkinson HS) study water quality in the Fenton River during a two-day workshop, part of the NRCA's Conservation Training Partnerships program. Their adult conservation partners are on shore recording data. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)
Caitlyn Murphy, left (East Catholic HS), and Naieem Kelly (Watkinson HS) study water quality in the Fenton River during a two-day workshop, part of the NRCA's Conservation Training Partnerships program. Their adult conservation partners are on shore recording data. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)

Naieem Kelly of Watkinson School in Hartford, holding a brown trout, learns how to survey and identify fish in the Fenton River. The activity was part of the NRCA's Conservation Ambassador Program. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)
Naieem Kelly of Watkinson School in Hartford, holding a brown trout, learns how to survey and identify fish in the Fenton River. The activity was part of the NRCA's Conservation Ambassador Program. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)

Laurie Doss, left, of Kent Land Trust and Marvelwood School, and Lillian Steinmayer of Marvelwood School, practice using geospatial technology in the UConn Forest. The activity was part of the NRCA's Conservation Training Partnerships program, in which teams of teens and adults take part in a two-day conservation workshop and project. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)
Laurie Doss, left, of Kent Land Trust and Marvelwood School, and Lillian Steinmayer of Marvelwood School, practice using geospatial technology in the UConn Forest. The activity was part of the NRCA's Conservation Training Partnerships program, in which teams of teens and adults take part in a two-day conservation workshop and project. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)

Laurie Doss, right, of Kent Land Trust and Marvelwood School, and Lillian Steinmayer of Marvelwood School, identify a bird as part of their project using geospatial technology to study bird migration stop-over patterns in Kent, Connecticut. The activity was part of the NRCA's Conservation Training Partnerships program, which pairs teens and adults for a two-day workshop and conservation project. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)
Laurie Doss, right, of Kent Land Trust and Marvelwood School, and Lillian Steinmayer of Marvelwood School, identify a bird as part of their project using geospatial technology to study bird migration stop-over patterns in Kent, Connecticut. The activity was part of the NRCA's Conservation Training Partnerships program, which pairs teens and adults for a two-day workshop and conservation project. (NRCA Staff/UConn Photo)
The Natural Resources Conservation Academy is an outreach program in the College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources that is designed to connect teens to conservation biology and get them into the STEM pipeline.