Alumni News

Keep up with Engineering alumni! From across Connecticut to around the world, UConn Engineers are making their presence known.

Pre-Pharmacy House teams earned top honors at the Learning Community Field Day.  The 'on site' first place trophy was a singing/dancing Frankenstein doll.  Photo courtesy of Learning Communities

Alumni News

James E. Daley

James E. Daley (B.S. Civil Engineering, ’70) has retired as director of IT at BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina.  Daley joined the company in 1996, leading a very successful Y2K effort.  As Director of IT, he worked across the corporation to ensure compliance with HIPAA and other mandates, and represented the organization nationally on health information technology issues.   He also retired as a long-standing member of the Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI) Board of Directors.




Lawrence E. Keenan

Lawrence E. Keenan (B.S. Civil Engineering, ‘91), vice president and director of Engineering at Hoffmann Architects, has been named manager of their Hamden, Connecticut office.  An owner of the firm recognized in the industry for his innovations in concrete structural design, Keenan holds two U.S. patents for precast concrete connections.  He was recently elected president of the Connecticut chapter of the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI).





Konstantinos G. Zografos (M.S. Transportation Engineering, ’83; Ph.D. Urban & Transportation Engineering, ’86) has been named a distinguished professor and appointed as an associate dean for Research at the Lancaster University Management School in the United Kingdom.  Inducted to the UConn Academy of Distinguished Engineers in 2016, Zografos’ research interests include Applications of Operations Research and Information Systems in Transportation Systems & Logistics.




In Memorium

Ross F. Boland (B.S. Mechanical Engineering, ’77; M.S., Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering, ’79, ‘01), 64, died on April 21, 2017 in West Hartford, CT.  Holder of several patents in diamond coatings, thermal spray deposition, and other coating processes, Boland authored over 50 publications and helped to design and manage operations and fabrication laboratories for state-of-the-art coating, deposition processes, and ion surface modifications.

Stay in touch with the School of  Engineering.  Join our LinkedIn alumni group to share your latest activities and learn what your fellow graduates are doing.  You may also send your news directly to Heidi Douglas, Director of Engineering Alumni Relations.  We love hearing from you.