The Connecticut Lions Eye Research Fund (CLERF) was celebrated Saturday, May 20, with the naming of the ophthalmology waiting room on the 5th floor of the Outpatient Pavilion. Over 40 UConn Health leaders and staff and CLERF guests were there to mark the important milestone.
For more than 30 years, CLERF has been a strong partner with UConn Health in advancing knowledge about the relationship of the eye and visual system to systemic diseases such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, hypertension, and immune and genetic disorders. The Lion’s Eye Vision Center at UConn Health has provided dedicated resources to finding a cure for preventable blindness. This joint eye research effort also led to the launch of a Micro Vascular Retinal Imaging Project that developed the equipment and technology utilized in a screening program for children with juvenile diabetes.
Over the years, CLERF has donated more than $1.4 million to enhance the eye program at UConn Health, supporting the research advances made by Dr. Jeanine Suchecki’s team and making a difference in the lives of patients. The event was held in recognition of this longstanding partnership and most recent gift of $100,000.