Noor Afolabi
- Economics Major
- President of Women in Business
- Member, Alpha Kappa Psi
What was a defining moment during your time at UConn?
One of my most memorable moments at UConn was last year during spring semester. I had the opportunity to participate in an alternative spring break in Immokalee, Florida. Not only did I learn about the migrant population of that town and how the majority of our food comes is produced, I also made 54 new friends who truly care about the world and want to make it a better place. This trip motivated me to dedicate myself even more to being successful, so that one day I can be in a position where I can impact positive change in the world.
Who have you met here who has already had an impact on your future?
My professors and mentors have been very instrumental throughout my time at UConn. I struggled with finding a career path when I first chose my major, but there were several people who truly helped me navigate my options. Now, I have a clear vision of what I want to do for the rest of my life.
As president of Women in Business, what sorts of activities do you pursue?
I participate in a lot of events that help enhance my professional skills. Events such as resume, LinkedIn, and cover letter workshops, mock interviews, etiquette dinners, etc. Being part or a professional fraternity also helped prepare me for this position.
Where are you headed after graduation?
A month after graduation, I will be starting a financial analyst job where I interned this summer in Hartford.
What will you miss most about UConn? There are several things I’m going to miss. Mainly, the ice cream – coffee espresso crunch to be exact – my bosses and colleagues at the Lodewick Visitors Center, the sandwiches at the Coop café, spending time in the union, and, of course, Ted's.
Class of 2016 Mindset
As another class of Huskies prepares to leave college and enter the world, we revisit the list of cultural touchstones for members of the Class of 2016, the majority of whom were born in 1994 and began their UConn careers four years ago. Each year, Beloit College releases a "Mindset List," providing a glimpse at some of the factors that characterize the lives of students. (The list has been edited for length.)

Nathan Wojtyna
- Horticulture and Resource Economics double major
- IDEA grant recipient
What was a defining moment during your time at UConn?
A key moment of my time here at UConn was working at the UConn Writing Center. Through working there I learned how to develop and improve my critical thinking and interpersonal skills tremendously, which has propelled me forward as a thinker and writer throughout my academics.
Who have you met here who has already had an impact on your future?
I have met a lot of individuals who have made a big impact on me, although Dr. Gerald Berkowitz was instrumental in being my biggest advocate and supporter here at UConn. He gave me the freedom and encouragement as an advisor to never be complacent. Without his encouragement I would not have been here at all.
As an IDEA Grant recipient, what did you pursue?
My IDEA grant project investigated methods to improve the commercial harvesting of a New England native tree fruit shrub, Aronia mitschurinii ‘Viking’, that has been garnering interest as the most antioxidant rich fruit available on the market. The results of the project are promising so far and if the long-term studies turn out well then commercial growers in the Midwest can start adapting the methodology and converting blueberry acreage to Aronia crops.
Where are you headed after graduation?
I plan to pursue at Ph.D. in Horticulture at Cornell University focusing on sustainable tree fruit production systems.
What will you miss most about UConn?
Of all the things at UConn, I’ll miss my colleagues, co-workers, and roommates the most. We have had some great times and long nights across the four years.

Symone James
- Elementary Education Major
- First-Generation College Student
- President, Nubian Foxes Dance Team
- Secretary, Leadership in Diversity
- Member of Husky Sport and the African American Cultural Center
What was a defining moment during your time at UConn?
A defining moment for me was a conversation I had with René Roselle, a faculty member in the Neag School of Education, during my freshman year. I had to interview her for an assignment and during the conversation I had an emotional revelation about why I wanted to be a teacher. It helped me realize the ways that my parents’ unwavering support of my education made me want to provide that support for other children, and that was why I wanted to teach.
Who have you met here who has already had an impact on your future?
I could name so many folks! Definitely many faculty members in Neag like the entire Husky Sport team – Justin Evanovich actually helped me come to the conclusion I want to eventually become a professor way down the road after teaching (hopefully teaching students like myself how to become teachers). The advisers in Neag – Mia, Dominique and Ann – who support me now and I know will be there in the future. The Leadership in Diversity mentoring team which helped me discover more about myself as a person and who I want to be as an educator.
Do you have any advice for other first-generation college students?
Ask questions and do research. It’s definitely difficult being a first-generation student because you don’t have a wealth of informational resources that other students who are not first generation do. Everything was new and I felt like I had to fill in all the blanks myself even though I had a great support system.
Where are you headed after graduation?
After graduation I’ll be completing an accelerated master’s year as part of Neag’s Integrated Bachelor's/Master’s program. I have yet to go to a basketball game so I’m glad I have one more year to do that!
Holding Office and Holding Court
Over the years numerous university presidents, military commanders, journalists, and industry leaders have addressed graduating classes. This year, it seems appropriate to recall elected officials who have delivered commencement speeches at UConn.
In the early days of the school, the governor of Connecticut was a graduation speaker in 1884 (Gov. Thomas M. Waller), 1885 (Gov. Henry B. Harrison), and 1888 (Gov. Phineas C. Lounsbury).
UConn first attracted a politician of national standing in 1950, when U.S. Vice President Alben W. Barkley addressed a class swollen in size by the influx of GIs following World War II. Barkley served as vice president under Harry S. Truman and initially sought the 1952 presidential nomination.
Fourteen years later, Connecticut Gov. John Dempsey, for whom UConn’s hospital is named, also delivered a commencement speech while in office.
Other public servants who have imparted advice to departing graduates:
“The challenge I put to you today is not to solve the crises we face in America's hospitals or schools – though I hope some of you will play a role in those efforts. In fact, it is not about solving any one individual problem. Rather, my challenge to you is this – restore our belief that we can accomplish things together in this country.”
2006, Rosa DeLauro
U.S. Representative
“I remember the first time I was asked to speak at a commencement. I was a young congressman from New London, and I was nervous. A friend of mine, an Irish priest, shared a piece of advice that I have never forgotten. He said, ‘Now, Christopher, a commencement speaker is much like the guest of honor at an Irish wake. They need you in order to have the party, but nobody expects you to say very much.’”
2000, Christopher J. Dodd
U.S. Senator
“I’ll tell you what I really think about long graduation speeches. But as my friend, Dana Carvey would say, ‘Not gonna do it! Wouldn’t be prudent!’ … [But] I will give you 15 minutes on why Dennis Rodman should never be Secretary of State.”
1998, George H.W. Bush
former President of the United States

Joseph Rosa
- Communications Major with a Minor in Professional Sales Leadership
- SUBOG President 2015-16
- Transfer from Waterbury regional campus
What was a defining moment during your time at UConn?
My defining moment during my time at UConn was being elected as the 2015-2016 SUBOG President. I transferred here as a sophomore and knew I wanted to get more involved in different organizations. I started off as a committee member and worked myself up to a chair position. All of my hard work paid off when I was elected President for my senior year.
Who have you met here who has already had an impact on your future?
I’ve met countless individuals who have impacted my future. I’ve worked closely with students, professional staff and even the administration here at UConn. I’ve been in meetings with the Board of Trustees, Eleanor Daugherty - the Dean of Students and even President Herbst. All of these amazing individuals have affected my career in different ways and I am honored I had the privilege of knowing them.
How has your major had an impact on your UConn experience?
As a communications major, I found that it is imperative to step outside of your comfort zone. Students learn to communicate with different individuals through different means. We all take Rory McGloin’s persuasion class or other in depth courses that teach us the proper way to get our words across. From being in a Tier-III organization, the skills I learn in the classroom become very transparent as I work in SUBOG. I am constantly communicating with different offices on campus, outside companies and vendors, and even students. It’s important to stay professional and confident as I go throughout my day.
Where are you headed after graduation?
After graduation, I hope to find a job as a Pharmaceutical Sales Representative.
What will you miss most about UConn?
I’ll miss my home. UConn has become my second home! I can’t think of one specific thing I will miss because I honestly will miss everything.