Around Engineering

Exciting developments are always percolating within UConn Engineering. Read a few of the highlights here, from student awards and activities to alumni celebrations.

Ph.D. candidate Keshia Ashe, president of ManyMentors, reports that the group now has over 20 mentors and a brand new, secure mobile mentoring app that will allow UConn mentors to easily interface with local high school students via their mobile devices. Mamentors2nyMentors matches college students from the STEM disciplines with high school students from traditionally underrepresented populations who are interested in STEM careers.  The volunteer organization also offers on-site mentoring opportunities for students at CPEP, STARBASE Connecticut, Granville Academy, and the Workforce Alliance Council Youth Mentoring Program.

Keshia, who is a doctoral student in the Institute of Regenerative Engineering at the UConn Health Center, invites interested UConn students to become involved with mentoring, as well as the development of the organization’s second-generation mobile app. She and co-founder Tiffiny St. Bernard hope to debut all three ManyMentors venues – on-site, online, and mobile mentoring components – by August 2013. In the meantime, they are planning a weekend “STEM-U” event to STEMulate the college experience for local high school students, as well as a series of “STEMinars” for the 2013-2014 school year geared toward preparing female STEM majors for the workplace. Read previous news about ManyMentors here.