I wanted to write a letter to all my current patients and to those I haven’t met yet.
Dear Patient,
I want you to know how proud I am of you, for everything that you do. Whether you suffer from multiple diseases or just one, it isn’t easy waking up every morning knowing you’re not 100 percent. I know you struggle every day, and every morning you have to swallow some challenges along with your daily pills.
When I’m sitting with you in the office, I realize I didn’t know you when you did cartwheels around the park, or were able to paint furiously for hours without arthritis pain slowing you down. But I know you now, and have more respect for you than you could ever imagine.
I know I’m harsh with you sometimes, like your mother used to be. I do it, because I care, and because I love you. I want you to be healthy so you can be around to love life and to be there for all those who love you back.
I know that each time you come to my office, whether by your own car or by a medical taxi, it’s always a voyage. Doctors’ appointments aren’t the most exciting things to pencil into your calendar. So, for every appointment you keep, and for every half-hour you spend with me, I want to thank you. For taking that time to slow down and to acknowledge the importance of keeping your mind and body healthy. For if we don’t nourish our beings with the right ingredients, we might not be around to see the next golden sunrise or see the baby leaves finally emerge after the winter frost.
For everyone who took their sugar pill today instead of eating that slice of chocolate cake or for those of you who took time out of your day to walk around the park to get in a workout — here’s the applause you deserve!
Thank you for taking care of your health, for being compliant with your medications, and ultimately, for letting me manage your most valuable possession: you.
Take care,
Your friend, your doctor
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