CTI Collaborates with DOT to Improve State’s Road Maintenance Operations

The Connecticut Transportation Institute (CTI), working with the CT Department of Transportation, is collecting data in support of our state's efforts to make road maintenance operations more environmentally friendly

The University responds as the annual Charitable Giving Campaign highlights community needs.

by Mary C. McCarthy

Warm Mix Asphalt PavingThe Connecticut Transportation Institute (CTI), working with the CT Department of Transportation, is collecting data in support of our  state’s efforts to make road maintenance operations more environmentally  friendly and to support the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Every Day  Counts (EDC) Initiative.  Staff from CTI’s Connecticut Advanced Pavement Laboratory led the data collection process for two Warm Mix Asphalt pilot projects during the 2010 construction season and is now working with data from four additional projects that were constructed this summer.

Use of Warm Mix Apshalt on CT Roadway

Warm Mix Asphalt technology is new to Connecticut and is seen worldwide as an environmentally friendly alternative to Hot Mix Asphalt. The use of Warm Mix Asphalt lowers fuel/energy use as well as greenhouse gas emissions by significantly lowering the temperature at which pavement may be placed. This reduction in temperature also improves working conditions by reducing emissions from the asphalt mixture at the time of placement. More information on Warm Mix Asphalt Pavement technology can be found at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/everydaycounts/technology/asphalt/.

FHWA’s Every Day Counts initiative is designed to identify and deploy innovation aimed at shortening project delivery, enhancing the safety of  our roadways, and protecting the environment.  To learn more about this initiative, please visit the EDC website at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/everydaycounts/.