Last fall, two engineering faculty members were honored by leading professional societies in their fields of expertise.
Dr. Zbigniew Bzymek, an associate professor of Mechanical Engineering at UConn, received the 2010 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Student Section Advisor Award during a special luncheon held at the ASME’s 2010 Congress in Vancouver. The event was attended by ASME’s top leadership, and UConn’s Dean of Engineering, Dr. Mun Y. Choi, accompanied Dr. Bzymek as a special guest.
The award recognizes outstanding chapter advisors who have demonstrated leadership and mentorship by encouraging students to join ASME as student members, starting them on a path toward continued professional development; providing guidance to the chapter members on activities and programs that will stimulate their interest in the profession; and fostering a sense of professional awareness among student members, setting the stage for their continued ASME membership advancement. As the 2010 recipient, Dr. Bzymek was presented a plaque, a certificate and a $500 honorarium.
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Dr. Bzymek joined the UConn faculty in 1981 and has advised the ASME Student Section for 10 years. His expertise lies in the area of computer graphics, and he has published two books (in Polish and Hungarian) entitled Application of Computers in the Static Analysis of Structures. Dr. Bzymek is an active member of ASME and the Association of Computer Machinery.
Dr. Mohammad Tehranipoor, an associate professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at UConn, was selected a speaker associated with the Distinguished Visitors Program for the 2011-2013 term of the IEEE Computer Society. The DVP links interested groups with top experts on a variety of topics. His speaker bio notes his expertise in testing for small-delay defects in microchips, design of trusted hardware, and reliable systems design at the nanoscale.
Dr. Tehranipoor was also selected a Distinguished Speaker (2010-12) for the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), an international educational and scientific computing society. ACM’s Distinguished Speaker Program provides ACM chapters, academic institutions, corporations, event planners and others agencies with direct access to top technology leaders and innovators from nearly every sector of the computing industry. Read more about Dr. Tehranipoor here.