The following grants were received through the UConn Health Center’s Office of Research Administration and Finance in December 2010. The list represents new awards as well as continuations. The list of grants is supplied to UConnToday by the Office of Research Administration and Finance.
Federal Grants
Bruder, M.,Child & Family Studies Program
A Parent to Parent Model of Support & Service Coordination for Families
Health Resources and Services Administration, $300,000, 9/10-8/11
Diaz, P., Oral Health & Diagnostic Sciences
The Oral Microbiome During Cancer Chemotherapy and Its Role in Oral Mucositi
National Center for Research Resources, $531, 9/10-8/11
Gryk, M., Molecular, Microbial & Structural Biology
CONNJUR: A Software Integration Platform for Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy
National Institute of General Medical Sciences, $268,487, 12/08-11/11
Lefrancois, L., Immunology
CD8 T Cell Activiation and Migration in Vivo
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases, $329,670, 12/07-11/11
Lefrancois, L., Immunology
T Cell Response to Listeria Monocytogenes Infection
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases, $329,670, 12/08-11/11
McCullough, L., Neuroscience
Gender Difference in Ischemic Cell Death
National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke, $291,375, 1/07-11/11
Peterson, D.,Medicine
Development of an Autonomous Motion Tracking System to Monitor Astronaut Movement Within a Spacesuit
NASA, $20,000, 10/10-2/11
Setlow, P., Molecular, Microbial & Structural Biology
Mechanisms of Bacterial Spore Germination and its Heterogeneity
U.S.Army, $857,500, 7/09-10/11
Wang, Z., Neuroscience
Molecular Bases of BK Channel Function & Localization
National Institute of Mental Health, $277,200, 12/09-11/11
Private Grants
Brewer, M., Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center
Gladstein Money for Ovarian Research
UConn Foundation, $9,182, 2/08-6/11
Briggs-Gowan, M., Psychiatry
Replication of the Child First System of Care
Child Health & Development Institute of Connecticut, $75,000, 7/10-6/11
Cloutier, M., Pediatrics
Cloutier Salary Support
CT Children’s Medical Center, $48,339, 10/10-9/11
Drazinic, C., Psychiatry
Cooperative Huntington’s Observational Research Trial
University of Rochester, $17,950, 7/05-6/11
Eipper, E., Neuroscience
Generation and Evaluation of Cell Lines Expressing Stably-Transfected PAM
Johnson & Johnson, $299,869, 8/10-7/11
Fifield, J., Ethel Donaghue TRIPP Center
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Through Responsible Fathering
*Village for Families & Children, Inc., $195,948, 9/10-9/11
Gravely, B., Genetics & Developmental Biology
Comprehensive Characterization of the Drosophila Transcriptome-3U01HG004271-04
*University of California at Berkeley, $331,156, 8/10-7/11
Guha, A., Immunology
Ayurveda: The Whole Medical System
H. Rauter GMBH & Co. KG, $2,000, 1/07-1/11
Kenny, A., Center on Aging
Impact of a Protein Supplement on Bone Mass in Older Women
*Yale University, $213,553, 9/06-8/11
Li, J., Neuroscience
AMPK and Glucose Transporters in Ischemia
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, $77,000, 7/09-6/11
Li, Y., Genetics & Developmental Biology
TET-Inducible Recombinase Mediated Cassette Exchange (RMCE) System for Use in Pluripotent Stem Cells
Pfizer, Inc., $40,000, 12/10-11/11
Radolf, J., Medicine
Collaboration Between UCHC/Justin Radolf and CCMC/Department of Research
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, $27,532, 10/10-9/11
Runowicz, C.,Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center
Montefiore COOP GRP
*Montefiore Medical Center, $15,840, 1/10-6/11
Schenck, P.,Medicine
Cadmus IED096-UCONNHC-1 Assignment III-22 (EPA#EP-D-08-096)
*Cadmus Group, Inc., $12,500, 10/10-9/11
Taylor, J., Surgery
Inflammatory Cytokines and Bladder Cancer
American Cancer Society, $145,800, 7/08-6/11
State Grants
Aseltine, R., Medicine
CT Statewide Healthy Campus Initiative
*CT Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services, $75,000, 10/10-6/12
Lai, L., Immunology
Immunotherapy of a Recombinant IL-7/HGF Beta Protein in Melanoma and Colon Cancer
CT Department of Public Health, $439,243, 9/10-4/12
Morse, T., Medicine
Environmental and Occupational Health Assessment
*CT Department of Public Health, $11,500, 11/10-6/11
Shelton, D., Center for Public Health
CT Correctional Health Services Research Partnership – 1RC4MH091939-01(525616)
*CT Department of Public Health, $130,436, 8/10-7/11
Ungemack, J., Community Medicine & Health
Reentry and Family Treatment (RAFT) Program
*CT Department of Children & Families, $54,857, 10/10-9/11
*Denotes Federal Funds which are awarded to other institutions and “passed through” to UCHC