The following grants were received through the Office for Sponsored Programs (OSP) in June 2010. The list represents only new proposals awarded, and excludes continuations. The list is supplied each month by OSP.
Anderson, S., Human Development/Family Studies Instruction & Research
Court Data Analysis & Development for Disproportionate Minority Contact
DOJ/Department of Justice/CT Judicial Branch, $28,500, 5/10-9/10
Armstrong, L., Kinesiology
Body Fluid Osmolality During Progressive Dehydration
DOD/Army/Cantimer, $116,811, 4/10-5/11
Barrett, J., Extension
Stormwater Management as a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, Bridgeport, CT
DOC/National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, $30,000, 5/10-1/11
Brown, P., Stamford Campus – Instruction & Research
Extravagant Stranger: The Foreign Actress in Shakespearean Drama, P. Brown
NEH/National Endowment for the Humanities, $50,400, 8/10-7/11
Bushmich, S., Pathobiology & Veterinary Science
Maintenance of Membership Laboratory Requirements
USDA/Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, $55,000, 6/10-3/11
Cabaniss, J., Marine Sciences
Charter of R/V CT by WHG for ADCP Frame Recovery/Deployment
DOC/National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration/Woods Hole Group Inc., $19,436, 6/10-6/10
Cabaniss, J., Marine Sciences
Charter of R/V CT by WHOI for GOMTOX Cruise
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, $24,272, 6/10-6/10
Cabaniss, J., Marine Sciences
Charter of R/V CT by WHOI for Kemp-Right Whale Auto Buoy Turnaround
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, $18,204, 6/10-7/10
Cabaniss, J., Marine Sciences
Charter of R/V CT by WHOI for OOI Buoy Recovery
DOC/National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, $12,136, 5/10-5/10
Cabaniss, J., Marine Sciences
Charter of R/V CT by WHOI for Wave Test Buoy Deployment
NSF/National Science Foundation/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, $18,204, 6/10-6/10
Casa, D., Kinesiology
Athletic Training Services: A Partnership with Regional District No.8
RHAM High School, Hebron, CT, $22,228, 8/10-6/11
Casa, D., Kinesiology
Athletic Training Services: A Partnership with The Pomfret School
Pomfret School, $15,762, 8/10-6/11
Christenson, R., Civil & Environmental Engineering
Validating and Assessing Integrity of Trouble Bridges in Connecticut
DOT/Federal Highway Administration/CT Department of Transportation, $112,492, 7/10-6/11
Cooper, D., Chemical, Materials & Biomolecular Engineering
“First in Family” Energy Scholarships for Tech School Grads
NSF/EHR, $596,096, 7/10-6/15
Cusson, R., Nursing Instruction & Research
Service Agreement for Connecticut Association of School Based Health Centers Inc. (CASBHC)
Connecticut Association of School Based Health Centers, $20,000, 6/10-11/10
Cusson, R., Nursing Instruction & Research
Advanced Education Nursing Traineeships
PHS/HRSA/Bureau of Health Professionals, $55,711, 7/10-6/11
Czuba, C., Extension
Memorandum of Understanding between UConn CES and the CT Department of Correction
CT Department of Correction, $6,000, 7/10-6/11
De Guise, S., Sea Grant College Program
Mechanisms and Receptors for Domoic Acid Immunotoxicity in California Sea Lions
Morris Animal Foundation, $39,910, 7/10-6/11
Dobrynin, A., Physics
Effect of the Electrostatic Interactions on Lubrication in Biological and Polymeric Systems
NSF/MPS, $315,000, 7/10-6/13
Gao, R., Mechanical Engineering
Active Tool Wave Cancellation in LWD Acoustic Tools
Schlumberger-Doll Research Center, $296,156, 7/10-6/12
Garrick, N., Civil & Environmental Engineering
Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program/2010 Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship Program
DOT/Federal Highway Administration, $31,900, 9/10-9/11
Goldhamer, D., Molecular & Cell Biology
Cellular Basis of Heterotopic Ossification
PHS/NIH/National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, $1,705,093, 6/10-4/15
Gordina, M., Mathematics
Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics
NSF/MPS, $240,000, 5/10-6/13
Henning, R., Psychology
Developing and Testing a Toolkit for Participatory Workplace Prevention/Health Promotion Intervention
PHS/CDC/National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health/University of CT Health Center, $11,000, 1/10-6/10
Kerstetter, J., Allied Health Sciences
Mechanisms of Dietary Protein-Induced Changes in Calcium Absorption Efficiency
USDA/CSREES/Yale University, $47,729, 9/09-8/10
Legrand, A., Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
Contribution Agreement: IPM Technical Assistance for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program
USDA/Natural Resources Conservation Service, $229,182, 5/10-9/10
Mahoney, J., Connecticut Transportation Institute
Establishment of a CT Advanced Pavement Lab – FY11
CT Department of Transportation, $168,643, 7/10-6/11
Pasaogullari, U., Mechanical Engineering
Hydrogen Reclamation System
Sustainable Innovations, $30,152, 1/10-1/11
Pattipati, K., Electrical & Computer Engineering
Event-Driven Data Mining Techniques for Test Fleet Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis
General Motors Corp., $50,012, 5/10-2/11
Payne, D., Sea Grant College Program
Quahog Bowl
Project Oceanology, $9,078, 9/09-12/10
Pietro, R., CCS – Workforce Development Institute
Study of the U.S. Institutes for Student Leaders
DOS/Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs, $231,782, 6/10-6/11
Pikal, M., Pharmaceutical Sciences
Optical Coherence Tomography Based Freeze Drying Microscopy
PHS/National Institutes of Health/Physical Sciences Inc., $60,000, 5/10-7/11
Rajasekaran, S., Computer Science & Engineering
GAANN: Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need
ED/Office of Postsecondary Education, $393,795, 8/10-8/13
Ramprasad, R., Chemical, Materials & Biomolecular Engineering
Modeling of Polymer-Titanate Interfaces
DOD/Air Force/TPL Inc., $30,000, 5/10-12/10
Ranjeet, B., ISS – Academic Programs Center
Connecticut State GEAR UP Summer Transition to College Program
ED/Department of Education/CT Department of Higher Education, $67,694, 6/10-8/10
Singh, P., Chemical, Materials & Biomolecular Engineering
Evaluation of Bio-Based Fuels in Advanced Fuel Cells
DOE/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, $178,794, 6/10-9/10
Wagner, D., Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Owlet Caterpillars of Eastern North America
USDA/Forest Service, $30,000, 5/10-4/11
Washington, R., Molecular & Cell Biology
Precollege Enrichment and Research Program 2010
University of CT Health Center, $69,410, 6/10-7/10
Westa, S., Extension
Cooperative Agreement between The Last Green Valley and the University of Conneticut for the Green Valley Institute
Last Green Valley Inc., $120,000, 7/10-6/11
Whitney, M., Marine Sciences
CAREER: The Influence of Distributed River Inputs and Embayments on Dynamics in Large Estuaries
NSF/GEO, $599,786, 6/10-5/15