It’s Safety First During the Campus Steam Outage

During the campus steam outage, students assist Central Utility power plant operators and subcontractors in the overhaul of the steam turbine generator throttle valve. Photo by Tim Grady

<p>During the campus steam outage students assist Central Utility power plant operators and subcontractors in the maintenance overhaul of the 4.6 MegaWatt steam turbine generator throttle valve.        Safety first!  Wearing hard hats and safety glasses are (l to r) Don Grous, lead power plant operator; Pat O'Brien, Lydon Millwright; Tony Mares, Lydon Millwright; Mike Sanca, engineering student, and Curtis Leibscher, engineering student. Photo by Tim Grady</p>
During this week's campus steam outage, students assist Central Utility power plant operators and subcontractors in the overhaul of the 4.6 megawatt steam turbine generator throttle valve. Wearing hard hats and safety glasses are, from left, Don Grous, lead power plant operator; Pat O'Brien and Tony Mares, Lydon Millwright; and Mike Sanca and Curtis Leibscher, engineering students. Photo by Tim Grady