Canine Comfort: Students De-stress with Therapy Dogs

Dooley, a Newfoundland, is petted by students in Babbidge Library. He was one of several therapy dogs visiting the library during exam week to help students cope with stress. Photo by Jane Recchio

<p>Dooley the Newfoundland is the center of attention as he petted by (l to r)  Amelia Wise, Kate McGovern, Colleen HIckey, and Leslie McAuliffe.  </p>
Dooley, a Newfoundland, is the center of attention as he is petted by, from left, Amelia Wise, Kate McGovern, Colleen Hickey, and Leslie McAuliffe. Dooley was one of several therapy dogs who visited Homer Babbidge Library during exam week to help students cope with stress. Photo by Jane Recchio